France to open the bidding:
President Obama’s plan to close the terrorist detention facility at
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba has set off a frenzy of speculation over what will happen to the 245 detainees at the prison.
France Floating Proposal for Europe to Take Some Guantanamo Detainees
Malaysia said Saturday that two of its citizens are being held at Guantanamo, and it would be willing to take the terror suspects back if the facility is closed.
And France is pushing for European Union countries to take 60 of the detainees deemed innocent but at risk of torture in their home country, according to a report by the German magazine Der Spiegel that was picked up by Reuters.
In a sane world, a politician would work hard to keep terrorists out of his country; in a sane world.
Canada has not placed its bid yet, but, when it does, there is a home for terrorists in Brantford, Ontario.