UK: Catholic charity wins gay adoption ruling

From the BBC:

A Catholic adoption society has won a High Court battle over laws forcing it to consider gay couples as parents.

Leeds-based Catholic Care had warned it would be forced to give up its work finding homes for children if it had to comply with the legislation.

Its plea to be allowed an exemption was opposed by the Charity Commission.

However, Mr Justice Briggs has allowed Catholic Care’s appeal and ordered the commission to reconsider the case in the light of his judgement.

Predictably, the gay rights group, Stonewall wasn’t too happy:

Jonathan Finney, head of external affairs at Stonewall, said: “It’s unthinkable that anyone engaged in delivering any kind of public or publicly funded service should be given licence to pick and choose service users on the basis of individual prejudice.

“It’s clearly in the best interests of children in care to encourage as wide a pool of potential adopters as possible.”

Is it in the best interests of children to consider placing them with a same-sex couple? Not according to Baroness Deech, family lawyer and chairman of the Bar Standards Board:

Same sex parents are bad for children if they deprive them of the influence of a father or mother, she said.

She warned that gay or lesbian parents cannot be best for the welfare of children if there is no contact with adults of another sex.

Lady Deech spoke of her ‘unease’ about the laws on homosexual couples. The former chief of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority criticised recent laws on in vitro fertilisation that have given new rights to gay partners……

‘There is a wealth of research showing that children need fathers, not just two parents. Children need to see complementary roles, the relationship between the sexes, a microcosm of society, as they grow up.’

2 thoughts on “UK: Catholic charity wins gay adoption ruling

  1. Pingback: Catholic Care a Catholic adoption society has won a High Court battle against legislation forcing it to consider homosexual couples as parents. | eChurch Christian Blog

  2. Checking out a few of the links to this article it is obvious that the homosexuals are very upset (even angry) about this. I am left with the impression that these people care only about themselves, and don’t give a rat’s *** about anyone else. Obviously not the type of people who I would want my children to be adopted by if my Wife and I were to die.

    This is a good ruling. As a parent I take my parental responsibilities very seriously. My Wife and I even have it stated in our wills who is to take care of our children if we die. Of course this ruling is not in Canada, so I am not sure what the current Canadian law is regarding this issue. But lets say for example that in our wills we stated that we wanted an Anglican adoption agency to place our children in an Anglican household, where there are a husband and wife, both of whom attend Anglican Worship Services regularly. Would our Wills be respected and complied with? Or would our politically correct laws rule our Wills to be discriminatory and therefore null and void?

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