Back to Church Sunday is not to be confused with returning to Christ, of course; this is, after all, the Canadian Anglican Church.
In 2009 Toronto bishops dressed up in all their finery and handed out leaflets outside Union Station:
There hasn’t been a repeat performance by the bishops. As one observer noted:
Well intentioned, but . . well, those of my friends who are not now churchgoers wouldn’t go to church because a scary, robed bishop gave them a leaflet.
He has a point: the Anglican Church of Canada in its desperate quest for relevance, contorts its beliefs to accommodate contemporary culture – from same-sex marriage to there being many ways to God to having no set dogma at all, just community whose commonality is doctrinal incoherence.
The one thing that visibly separates bishops from the common herd is the one thing they won’t give up: dressing up in robes and pointy hats. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Rather than trying to trick the public into returning to church by putting their vestments all so-called bishops need to return to the Gospel and away from their worship of political expediency and political correctness. The ACoC has lost any claim to be Christian and needs a complete housecleaning beginning from the Primate down.