There is one sin left in the Diocese of Niagara

But only one, and it has a capital “S”. Here is Archdeacon Michael Patterson to explain:

The idea that poverty – and little else – is a “Sin” is attractive to liberal Anglicans because one bears no direct personal responsibility for it, and thus its remedy is in the hands of government not the individual.

4 thoughts on “There is one sin left in the Diocese of Niagara

  1. “and thus its remedy is in the hands of government not the individual.”
    I never thought about this…but I think this is a perfect way of summarizing why the Anglican Church has become so very obsessed with poverty. THANKS!

  2. Poverty is a sin? A thing, a concept is a sin? Who is the sinner then? The poor person (as in the medieval and early modern church)? Or the unregulated bankers? Or the government? Or everyone who invests their income in Mutual Funds and drives a CO2 belching car? Or the person who talks about alleviating poverty without actually doing it? Oh my.

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