Therapist faces being struck off for helping gay men go straight

From here:

A psychotherapist faces being struck off after trying to ‘convert’ a homosexual man.

Lesley Pilkington, 60, a  therapist for 20 years, is accused of ‘praying to God’ to ‘heal’ the patient .

Mrs Pilkington, will appear at a landmark disciplinary hearing this week where she faces being stripped of her accreditation to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

The patient, a homosexual rights campaigner, secretly recorded her controversial treatment at two sessions before reporting her to the association.

A small group of counsellors believe all men are born heterosexual, but some choose a gay lifestyle which can be changed through therapy…….

She treated journalist Patrick Strudwick at her private practice based at her home in Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, after he approached her at a Christian conference.

He recorded the sessions on a tape machine strapped to his stomach. Asked if she viewed homosexuality as a ‘mental illness, an addiction or an anit-religious phenomenon’, she replied: ‘It is all of that’.

In the disciplinary letter sent to her by BACP, she is accused of having an ‘agenda that homosexuality is wrong and that gay people can change and you allegedly attempted to inflict these views on him.’

Mrs Pilkington accused Strudwick of entrapment. She said: ‘He told me was looking for a treatment for being gay.

‘I told him I only work using a Christian biblical framework and he said that was exactly what he wanted.’

Her defence is being funded by the Christian Legal Centre which has instructed a leading religious rights barrister to fight the case.

This is preposterous. The therapist isn’t forcing gay men to come to her: no one is. If gay crusaders have their way, it will become illegal to help gay men who do want to change – and there are some – making it close to compulsory for someone with homosexual inclinations to act them out.

3 thoughts on “Therapist faces being struck off for helping gay men go straight

  1. Someone Tweeted this:

    Why is it OK for a surgeon to perform a sex-change operation, but not OK for a psychiatrist to try to “turn” a consenting homosexual?


  2. “If gay crusaders have their way, it will become illegal to help gay men who do want to change – and there are some – making it close to compulsory for someone with homosexual inclinations to act them out.” – of course, that’s the idea, isn’t it? Stopping those who want to change from being able to is vital to the homofascist strategy. Remember, it’s all about power/domination.

  3. Self-Determination is what the APA has ruled is to be a ‘gold standard’ for those who seek any form of counseling: to be told the facts and risks of embarking on a therapeutic relationship with a counselor at the start of such a relationship.

    I once went to a counselor with the expectation of challenging my same-sex attraction. My counselor agreed. I did rather well! That is how it should be.

    Attempting to shut down any dissent to “gay is OK” or “born Gay” is wrong… and silly!

    It is more than time we started THINKING rather than acquiescing.

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