The problem in the ACoC is that male bishops don’t know what it’s like to be a woman – yet

The ACoC is run by a bunch of mealy-mouthed spoilsports, so it doesn’t let me post to its Vision 2019 discussion; this comment from a female Anglican priest contains too much promise to overlook, though:

My church is lost in childish arguments and tantrums, in upholstering the pews, in excluding those who are different, in protecting the status quo.  The male bishops of the church have no clue what it is like to be a woman, either lay or ordained, in the church today. They are afraid of change, of losing their power and of letting the Gospel of love lose in the world.  I weep for the church which is so far from where Jesus calls us to be.

in excluding those who are different. So true.

The male bishops of the church have no clue what it is like to be a woman. My dear lady priest, give it time; once we are over the homosexual bishop hurdle, I’m sure a few of the more enterprising pointy hats will start having sex change operations, then they will know.

They are afraid of change, of losing their power and of letting the Gospel of love lose in the world. The ACoC has given up on the real Gospel, preferring to concentrate on sexual perversion and leftist politics instead. The ACoC – far from being afraid – has caused their “gospel of love” to lose: to the world – which, oddly enough, has a clearer view of reality than the average bishop – this false “gospel” is spotted immediately for an imposter – an abject loser.

We will simplify our church buildings.  Get rid of the buildings that drag us down and use up our resources.  We don’t need them.

I agree, you don’t need them: please forward your opinion to Michaels Bird and Ingham.

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