The hubris of the abortionist

We live in an age when authority gets no respect: I would be the first to confess that I am a child of my times and slide with alacrity into an easy iconoclasm. After becoming a Christian, though, it did occur to me that God, if he chose, could blink and blot out the entire universe: he is in charge, I am not. This means he is the arbiter of who shall live or die.

This abortion enthusiast delights in sitting in judgement on a hastily constructed, mediocre, anthropomorphic god:

In a recent press release David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life, said, “With abortion advocates trying to exploit the current health care reform debate to mandate taxpayer funding of abortion. We are incredibly encouraged to see record numbers of people in cities across America willing to take a stand by participating in 40 Days for Life to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and seek God’s protection for innocent children in the womb — and mothers — at risk of abortion. “ Does this mean God will put his abortion practice on hold for 40 days?

According to, “Approximately 20 percent or 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and often a cause is never found.” That’s one too many. God doesn’t ask parents if they want to keep their baby or not, he just does it. How does that work? At least when a couple or mother decides to have an abortion they have a reason for it, and it is their choice.

If you ask someone who deeply believes in God their answer will be, “God did it for a reason.” Seems like the only good thing that comes out of miscarriage is money made by doctors and counselors – capitalism at work!

The life of man is in God’s hands; if He chooses to take some individuals to live with Him for all eternity in joys which are beyond our present understanding, that is up to him. If we choose to do it, it is murder.

6 thoughts on “The hubris of the abortionist

  1. At first I thought yo were the commenter in the second to last paragraph, but I see you are not.

    So my comment is…’Right on’! 😀

  2. I must redden my face when I tell you that I’m a citizen of the general area…But I agree…good grief. Most of the time I would get into the fray, but in this case I ask, is there any point?

    God bless you Kate.

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