The Fred Hiltz Corporate Sponsor Letter

Here is the letter from Fred Hiltz asking for corporate sponsors:

Dear Friend,

I am writing to invite you to partner with the Anglican Church of Canada as a corporate sponsor for our national gathering in Halifax, Nova Scotia from June 3rd to 11th, 2010. Nearly five hundred people from coast to coast will gather at St. Mary’s University for General Synod which is held every three years.

The theme for General Synod 2010 is “Feeling the winds of God: Charting a New Course”. A major piece of our work will be to consider Vision 2019, a dynamic plan to renew our commitment to God’s mission and to invigorate our ministries of service in that mission. We will also be engaged by presentations on major global issues such as poverty, human sexuality, the rights of indigenous peoples, and the care of the environment. Among a number of special guests at the Synod will be the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, the Anglican Observer to the United Nations (by appointment of the Archbishop of Canterbury), the Secretary General of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, and two commissioners of Canada’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission.

This event not only presents an opportunity for you to get your message out to delegates from across Canada, and it is also an opportunity for you to support a faithful group of community and not-forprofit leaders from across the country and their guests from around the world. Comprised of bishops, as well as clergy and lay people elected by their own dioceses, delegates to General Synod are some of the most committed, dedicated and tireless volunteers in our country – they are people who do much to sustain our common life and make the world a better place. In addition to the gathered community, Synod-on-demand now attracts an internet audience in excess of 30 thousand international viewers.

It is my hope that you will consider this invitation and the positive impact your corporation’s support will have on the Church’s ability to ensure the sustainability of this national gathering for years to come.

In Christ,

I am,

Sincerely yours,

The Most Rev. Fred J. Hiltz


Since there is little that excites me more than “major global issues such as poverty, human sexuality, the rights of indigenous peoples, and the care of the environment”, I am currently negotiating the price of having the Anglican Samizdat logo tastefully emblazoned on every clerical collar.

4 thoughts on “The Fred Hiltz Corporate Sponsor Letter

  1. Whether or not this is a bad idea, the fact is that the Global South/ACNA gang are the last word in selling out to high bidders. Their gatherings are underwritten by right wing American millionaires, the one in Bermuda paid for by a former chair of Standard Oil.

  2. Dear Derek,

    I suppose you think that taking donations for God’s work should only come from some “approved” list?
    You may not have suspected this, but ACNA and ANiC are conservative in their religious views. Therefore it’s no news flash that its donors are too.


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