The Diocese of Niagara will do anything to make a buck

St. Simon’s Anglican Church in Oakville is located opposite Sheridan College, which gives it a unique opportunity to witness to the many students who walk past every day. To this end, St. Simon’s, home of the local school of Wicca for budding Harry Potters has the following message on both sides of its parish sign.

Apostate Sign

Of course, the diocese is in desperate need of filthy lucre to fund rather expensive lawsuits against Christians in the three parishes that voted to leave the diocese and align with the Province of the Southern cone. Hence we have the Gospel of Cheap Parking.

3 thoughts on “The Diocese of Niagara will do anything to make a buck

  1. David,
    Stop thinking in the box. With the trend to devalue ASA in favour of other broader criteria, parking lot numbers count! And besides Simon Says can count on dollars per parking spot from the students as opposed to parishoners who may vote on Niagara policy with their pocket books.

  2. Not to defend the Diocese but the parking revenue is ok. A church in Brandon rents its lot to a neighbouring auto body shop during the week.

    Wicca is over the line

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