The Anglican Church of Canada: filthy capitalist

It has a Sears catalogue:

The Anglican Church of Canada is pleased to announce the launch of Acts of Faith; A Guide to Supporting the Ministries of the Anglican Church of  Canada.  The gift guide is a joint initiative of the Departments of Philanthropy and Communications and Information Resources, and represents an unprecedented collaboration amongst all of the partners and charitable entities within the national church; bringing them together in one fundraising vehicle for the first time.

Numerous schemes to persuade you to part with your money:

Gift Planning means finding a way to make an important gift to a cause you believe in while still getting the best tax benefits possible and achieving personal financial goals.

And recently added corporate sponsors:

The Anglican Church of Canada is pleased to announce that for the first time in its 117 year history, General Synod is offering religious based organizations and affiliates the opportunity to support its triennial national convention through a variety of unique sponsorship initiatives.

The information below will help you better understand the opportunities in sponsorship of the upcoming General Synod meeting in Halifax.

I am looking forward to the ACoC peddling its wares in an infomercial. I have a suspicion Fred Hiltz already uses this:

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