Drag queens jump off Liverpool Cathedral in stilettos

Liverpool Cathedral is:

first and foremost a place of prayer and worship. It is a place where we hope you can come to know a God who knows and loves you. I hope people will do this in manydifferent ways whether you are visiting as a tourist, a pilgrim, a worshipper.

It is a place where, according to its website, you can Create your own journey.

Drag queens, Ketona Madrave and Debbie Darling, are indeed creating their own journey: they are going to abseil down the cathedral in lady’s clothes in order to raise money for an LGBTQetc charity.

The cathedral Dean, the Very Revd Dr Sue Jones, is presumably not ony aware of this but has given it her approval, since it is advertised in the local paper:

Drag queens to ‘jump off’ Anglican Cathedral ‘in stilettos’

The performers said it comes at a time when ‘far too many young souls have been lost’

Pride Quarter drag queens are set to swap their standard Saturday shift in the city’s queer venues for something unusual. Debbie Darling and Ketona Madrave can typically be found in the likes of Stanley Street’s Superstar Boudoir or Eberle Street’s Gbar entertaining crowds till all hours in the morning.

However, this weekend looks a little different for the pair as they plan to abseil down the city’s Anglican Cathedral in full drag for a good cause. The Saturday, September 21 challenge is to raise funds for Liverpool’s oldest LGBTQ+ charity Sahir House.

In 2018 Revd Dr Sue Jones

was one of the speakers, praying for justice and peace for people with minority gender identities and sexual orientations around the world, and especially for respectful dialogue in the Church of England’s Living In Love And Faith conversations on Identity, Sexuality, Relationships and Marriage.

It’s understandable then that, as a next step,  she would want men dressed up as women jumping off the top of her cathedral. What next, I wonder.