Diocese of Montreal gets everything backwards

The synod of the Diocese of Montreal voted to support keeping the long gun registry, which would  cost Canadian taxpayers another billion dollars and criminals nothing at all. The synod also voted to oppose “tough on crime legislation” which would most probably expose Canadian taxpayers to more crime, leaving them less money to pay for the long gun registry, and ease the burden on criminals trying to make a dishonest living.

There was also broad support for the objectives of the Occupy Movement – whatever they are.

It appears that God did not intrude upon the meeting in any way.

Not bad for one synod.

From here:

Delegates to the 152nd synod of the Diocese of Montreal voted by strong majorities to urge the federal government to rethink its plans to abolish the long-gun registry and to adopt tough-on-crime legislation expected to greatly increase the prison population.


Another resolution, with support from the Revd Canon David Sinclair among others, gave some support to the objectives of the Occupy Montreal protestors against income disparity and other social ills. It supports “Occupy Montreal and all others who have drawn attention to the grave disparities of the current economic systems.”