Youths vanquished by a 63 year old lady wielding a wad of paper

I’ve always wondered what use church meeting minutes were; no-one reads them, no-one is interested and they usually Add an Imagecollect dust in an obscure part of the church secretary’s office.

But now, all that has changed. Alma Harding has shown us the way: they are a weapon to be wielded against unruly vandals.

Here we have yet another vivid demonstration of Mr. Bumble’s hypothesis by the aberrant British legal system, ever vigilant in its enduring quest to prosecute the innocent and exonerate the guilty:

Alma Harding was walking home after a church meeting when she saw three teenagers kicking a ball among the flower beds she had planted on the village green.

After months of petty vandalism in the area, it was the last straw for the arts and crafts teacher.

She called to the group, remonstrating with them, but was alarmed when they approached. One swore at her, calling her a ‘******* fatty’, magistrates heard.

In fear, the 63-year-old lashed out with the church minutes she was carrying, and caught one of the boys, a 13-year-old, on the cheek. She scurried home, upset, and that might have been the end of it.

But the boy and his mother went to police and yesterday Mrs Harding, who sings in the church choir, was convicted of battery.

If this happens again, in addition to swatting them Alma should sing at the malevolent louts.

How to get arrested in Britain: upset a drug dealer

The blurb on the back of David Copperfield’s Wasting Police Time says this:

Ever wondered why you can’t find a policeman when you need one? PC David Copperfield has the answer… they’re all inside the station, writing reports, photocopying, stapling and filing – when they’re not getting caught up in the petty squabbles of the underclass. Wasting Police Time is his hilarious and shocking diary of life as a modern British bobby. It’s the first book to spill the beans about the way senior police officers waste our money while fiddling the crime figures and scrambling to meet bogus Home Office targets. Copperfield’s chief constable won’t like it, and neither will the government. But honest taxpayers, sick of being fleeced while criminals rule our streets, will relish every word.

Well, the police in the UK have found something else to do to take their minds off the fact that they are not fighting crime: arrest those who do. Peter Drummond confronted a drug dealer, John Nellies and flushed his heroin down the toilet. What was his reward? Two months in the slammer.Add an Image

Father-of-three jailed after confronting drug dealer who sold heroin to his family

Father-of-three Peter Drummond was so angry when he discovered someone had sold heroin to his family that he took matters into his own hands.

He confronted John Nellies in his home and flushed five of the drug dealer’s bags of heroin down the toilet.

But yesterday it was Drummond – not Nellies – who found himself being jailed in court.

The 26-year-old shook his head in disbelief as he was ordered to serve two months for breaching the peace by barging into Nellies’s home and threatening him.

In Les Miserable, the hero, Jean Valjean is imprisoned for five years for stealing bread while the policeman, Javert mercilessly pursues him after his release. While he was writing the novel Victor Hugo witnessed the fate of someone who stole a loaf of bread and this undoubtedly provided some of the inspiration for his great novel. Jean Valjean’s fate was harsher than Drummond’s, but considerably less bizarre.

Victor, if only you were alive today.

Hetmoniage to the rescue

Ian Hunter: The erosion of marriage

A house built on sand cannot stand. It seems likely that Canadians are about to learn this sobering truth thanks to the polygamous citizens of Bountiful, B.C.

Bountiful residents belong to a breakaway Mormon sect that practises polygamy. Two Bountiful “bishops” – Winston Blackmore and James Oler — have been charged with polygamy contrary to Section 293 of the Criminal Code. The issue is whether Section 293 can survive a constitutional challenge under Canada’s Charter of Rights.

Marriage is the house built on sand. Once the Canadian Courts dictated that marriage no longer meant what it had meant for the 20 centuries of Christendom – namely, the union for life of a man and a woman — but could include same-sex unions, the foundation for marriage was eroded. If two men living together can be called a marriage, why not one man and three women? If two women can be married, why not the members of a commune? When you substitute a definition of marriage based not on reproductive potential but on ideology, then marriage means any arrangement with ideological acceptability.

Perhaps the time has come for the proponents of normal marriage to admit defeat and abandon the word “marriage” as one whose meaning has become so corrupted that they no are longer willing to have anything to do with it. Heterosexual monogamous commitment could have its own new word: hetmoniage, perhaps. Hideous, but at least it’s ugly enough that no-one would be likely to steal it as they have “marriage”.

I fear a linguistic contrivance is unlikely to help: the problem is too deep, too dire and too entrenched. As Ian Hunter reminds us:

“We sit by and watch the barbarian. In the long stretches of peace we are not afraid. We are tickled by his irreverence, his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creed. We laugh.

“But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond; and on those faces there is no smile.”

The new policing: stamping out the clergy under-class

The police force in the UK has fallen victim to political correctness, red tape and process-obsessed management. The result is, it is now so difficult to apprehend and successfully prosecute criminals that, for the most part, the police don’t waste their time trying.

As Theodore Dalrymple writes:

The uselessness of a police force that once excited the admiration of the world is now taken for granted by every Briton who calls the police only to obtain a crime number for insurance purposes, not in the expectation or even hope of any effort at detection. This is not because the individual policeman is lazy, ill-intentioned, corrupt, or stupid, though in the present system he might just as well be: for the system in which he works imposes upon him all the effects (or defects) of precisely those qualities.

David Copperfield, a UK policeman now working in Canada chronicles this in his blog – to the intense frustration of the UK government – and in his book, Wasting Police Time. So it comes as no surprise that the full investigative weight of Britain’s finest is being brought to bear on a clergyman who put his children on a chimney pot to photograph them: after all, if you simply must arrest someone make sure it is a non-violent clergyman who will neither resist nor sue:

From here:

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Mr Blake, an archbishop of the Open Episcopal Church, placed his children on top of his home and took pictures of them reading for a school project.

But worried neighbours called the police and Mr Blake, 52, was handcuffed before being taken away for questioning.

The pictures of his sons Nathan, eight, and Dominic, seven, were taken for a school book week competition themed on people reading in unusual places.

Mr Blake, a father of five, insisted the boys were used to rock climbing and adventure sports and were not worried by scaling the house in Welling, south east London.

He said the boys had climbed onto roof by clambering up onto a flat-roofed extension after he had attached them in a secure harness.

And he said the boys were already back in the house “full of excitement at what they had done”, when police burst through the front door, marched upstairs and slapped him in handcuffs.

He said: “It was utterly ridiculous. We were doing it for a school project.

“The boys were asked by their teacher to be pictured for their book week competition reading in an unusual place.

“When they got home we discussed it and came up with this idea.

“I was very proud of their creativity and had no reservations about allowing them up there because they have both experienced rock climbing and are active participants in adventure sports.

“Not only that but the chimney stack is adjacent to a flat roof and I supervised them.

“They were quite safe.”

Accusing officers of harassment, he said: “It was a total shock and my family were traumatised by the arrest. The children were weeping as they watched their father being frogmarched to a police van.

The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization is – you guessed it – too Christian!

From here

Wiley-Blackwell, a major academic press, was set to release its four-volume Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization this month. According to the encyclopedia’s editor, George Thomas Kurian, the set had been copy-edited, fact-checked, proofread, publisher-approved, printed, bound, and formally launched (to high praise) at the recent American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature conference. But protests from a small group of scholars associated with the project have led the press to postpone publication, recall all copies already distributed, and destroy the existing print run. The scholars’ complaint? The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization, they have reportedly argued, is “too Christian.” “They also object to historical references to the persecution and massacres of Christians by Muslims,” Kurian says, “but at the same time want references favorable to Islam.”

[The] “words or passages [the critics] want deleted” include “Antichrist,” “BC/AD (as chronological markers),” “Virgin Birth,” “Resurrection,” and “Evangelism.” “To make the treatment ‘more balanced,'” the memo says, the critics “also want the insertion of material denigrating Christianity in some form or fashion.”

This should surprise no-one, I suppose. After all, the Christian church itself – in the spirit of gnawing off its own leg to see how it feels – in the RSV translation of the bible changed “Behold, the virgin shall conceive” to “Behold, a young woman shall conceive” Isaiah 7:14.

Trollope on the financial crisis

There’s nothing I like better than taking a Trollope to bed, so I read this from Rowan Williams with interest:

Readers of Anthony Trollope will remember how thoughtless and greedy young men in the Victorian professions can be lured into ruin by accepting ‘accommodation bills’ from their shifty acquaintances. They make themselves liable for the debts of others; and only too late do they discover that they are trapped in a web of financial mechanics that forces them to pay hugely inflated sums for obligations or services they have had nothing to do with. Their own individual credit-worthiness, their own circumstances, even their own personal choices are all irrelevant: the debt has acquired a life of its own, quite independent of any real transaction they are involved in.

Given that the risk to social stability overall in these processes has been shown to be so enormous, it is no use pretending that the financial world can maintain indefinitely the degree of exemption from scrutiny and regulation that it has got used to.

Marx long ago observed the way in which unbridled capitalism became a kind of mythology, ascribing reality, power and agency to things that had no life in themselves; he was right about that, if about little else.

He makes some good points in this article; the idea that government regulation is a solution and that Marx had useful insights on the problem are not among them.

Contrast that with this from Theodore Dalrymple:

There is no finer way to destroy bourgeois society, said Lenin, than to debauch the currency, a policy that he therefore favoured.

A great deal of debauchery has gone on since Lenin’s day, not necessarily with revolutionary intentions. Whether it was at all avoidable, at least at an acceptable price, is a question I do not enter into; but that it has had an effect on people’s conduct, and even on their character, seems to me to be very likely.

When I was growing up (and I am not yet an ancient man), many of the coins we used were a hundred years old, and some were a hundred and thirty years old. Occasionally, indeed, one would find a pre-Victorian coin amongst one’s change. This was not entirely absurd: for, to take a single example, it cost only two and a half times as much to post a letter as it had a hundred and twenty years earlier. Now it costs 77.8 times as much in nominal terms. Most of the debauchery of the currency, then, has occurred in my lifetime.


My caution notwithstanding, it is clear to me when I look at the value of what I have accumulated that I have done far better out of inflation of asset values than out of saving. Good for me, and good for millions of others in like situation, you might say. We have all done very well out of it. Yes, but in the process the very values that we once thought of as bourgeois – thrift, honesty, self-restraint, etc. – have been destroyed.

The first thing to note is that neither writer is a financial expert. Rowan is the alleged leader of a religious institution, so it is reasonable to expect him to have some insight into the heart of man; unsurprisingly, he does not seem to have noticeably more than Dalrymple who is an agnostic.

Both, though, appear to see the problem as this: the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Unhappily, Rowan leads a church which, in its sophisticated Western expression, no longer believes that, so his solution is government regulation along with the admonition that we must be nice to one another. He pays little regard to the fact that the government has nothing to regulate it, and is composed of men suffering from the same complaint that caused all this in the first place.

What is worse, the solution is one that Rowan’s church is vigorously working against: the recognition that man is sinful and can only be redeemed through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ who took our sins – even our financial sins – upon himself.

Neither Rowan Williams, Theodore Dalrymple, nor Anthony Trollope gives us a solution; Rowan should but, true to Anglican form, appears eager to shift the blame onto capitalism.

This gives me the creeps

There are about 115,000 abortions per day worldwide; women have the freedom to choose abortion as a birth control option. These are real babies – some of whom are alive after they are aborted – killed for convenience.

But wait! After you have disposed of the inopportune accident, for a mere $4000 you can buy a finely detailed replica with its own heartbeat and body temperature; so realistic that it will trigger those elusive hormones to make you feel good. But it makes absolutely no demands on you! Not a doll; a fake baby.

For more weirdness go here and here.

Illusion: a sanitised alternative to reality.

How not to win friends in Canada

A principal losing his principles:

A New Brunswick principal who eliminated O Canada at the start or the school day says he is considering his future in teaching.

A euphemistic understatement from one whose extravagant politically correct imprudence has severely limited his teaching career choices in our home and native land.

What a twerp.

A New Brunswick principal who eliminated O Canada at the start or the school day says he is considering his future in teaching.

In an interview with CBC-TV, Erik Millett says his decision to stop the anthem at the start of the school day was taken out of context.

“I received probably over 2,000 emails, most of them hurling abuse at me, saying everything that I should be at the end of a bayonet, I should be shipped out of the country, I should be put on the front lines with the Taliban,” he said in a broadcast interview with CBC today.

“I bore a very heavy price for something that I think was very, very misrepresented in the media.”

Millett could not be reached for additional comment.

The principal of Belleisle Elementary School in Springfield, near Saint John, has said he stopped the anthem after receiving complaints from two parents who objected to it on religious grounds.

Yes the Canadian national anthem mentions God: get over it.

The compassionate financing of Hamas

Remember this, when the BBC was excoriated by every right left thinking zealot for not broadcasting advertisements asking for aid for Gaza?

The BBC’s instincts were right:

The Robbing of Gaza

In a rare admission of Hamas’ wrong-doing, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (“UNRWA”) promptly condemned Hamas in a sternly worded press release for seizing its humanitarian supplies by force on February 3, 2009. For once, UNRWA did not deem it necessary, in the name of moral equivalency, to attack Israel at the same time.

The UN Secretary General’s deputy spokesperson Marie Okabe reinforced UNRWA’s condemnation of Hamas by essentially paraphrasing its press release at a briefing held on February 4th at UN headquarters that I attended. I looked around at other peoples’ faces in the briefing room and some appeared as surprised as I was that, for the first time, we were witnessing UNRWA and the Secretary General’s office actually criticizing Hamas alone in such strong terms. However, the matter-of-factness with which the Secretary General’s deputy spokesperson read her statement – as opposed to the anger we always hear from UN spokespersons whenever Israel is criticized – conveyed a rather nonchalant attitude toward the whole thing as if it were an unfortunate but isolated event. Of course it is anything but.

The incident that brought this development about involved the confiscation of over 3500 blankets and 406 food parcels by police affiliated with Hamas, who broke into an UNRWA warehouse in the Shatti beach refugee camp and seized the aid supplies by force. The supplies were to be distributed by UNRWA to five hundred families in Gaza. The confiscation took place after UNRWA staff had earlier refused to accede to Hamas’ demand and hand over the aid supplies to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs. The reason for the refusal, UNRWA said, was to ensure that the assistance would actually reach the intended beneficiaries.

Hamas wants total control over all aid – supplies and money – in order to enhance its claims to legitimacy and to bestow favors to its supporters in Gaza while depriving its enemies of any assistance.

Hamas has no interest in relieving the suffering of the civilians under its rule. In fact, Hamas prevented its own people from reaching lsraeli medical facilities set up just outside Gaza. It has regularly intercepted humanitarian convoys and stolen food items that had been donated for free distribution to needy Gazans. Instead, they were sold in the black market. After using Palestinian civilians as human shields during the conflict with Israel, Hamas is now stealing aid intended for suffering women and children whose images Hamas wants to continue using for propaganda purposes.

Another example of Hamas using its own people’s suffering to further its own evil ends – and how the West fell for it yet again.

Free to choose anything but Christ.

More evidence of anti-Christian bias in the UK; From the Telegraph.

Christian foster mother struck off after Muslim girl converts

A foster mother with 10 years’ experience was struck off after a Muslim girl in her care converted to Christianity, it has emerged.

The woman has been banned by her local council for failing to prevent the teenager from getting baptised, even though the girl was 16 and made up her own mind to change religion.

The carer, a churchgoer in her 50s who has fostered more than 80 children, has now been forced to move out of her home.

She has lost the farmhouse she rented to look after vulnerable teenagers, due to the loss of income.

Another girl she was looking after has been taken back into care.

The woman, who has launched a legal challenge to the council’s challenge, told the Daily Telegraph: “I just want to get my life back.

“I still hope to resolve this so that I can possibly foster again in the future as I simply enjoy helping young people.”

Religious groups and fostering charities condemned the council’s decision, which comes amid a nationwide shortage of foster parents.

Last year the Fostering Network launched an urgent appeal for more than 5,000 families to come forward

Christ does not force himself upon us and compel us to believe in him: God created us in his image which means we have free will; he wants us to freely choose him. In the same way, this girl was not forced to become a Christian by her care giver: she chose. The foster mother’s  local council, a branch of the UK Stasi, setting ideology above reason, followed its mandate to further the self-destruction of the civilisation it is supposed to be serving by punishing her.

Contrast the above with this:

Kidnapped Children Forced to Convert and Marry Muslims Lose Court Case.

Saba and Anila Younas, both Christian, were abducted June 16 by a group of Muslims, and forced to marry and convert to Islam. A doctor’s report establishes that the eldest is 16 years old and thus capable of marriage.

There are slim hopes for the return home of the two Christian girls kidnapped by a group of Muslims on June 26 from Chowk Munda village in Punjab. According to the defence attorney, the situation is more complicated for the older of the two sisters, Saba Younas, who was forced to convert to Islam and marry a young Muslim the day after her kidnap.

The god of Islam compels obeisance rather than offering salvation. The god of Islam is not God.