A magistrate in Britain is scolded for calling 16 year-olds “absolute scum”

From here:

A magistrate who branded two boys ‘absolute scum’ after they desecrated a cathedral faces disciplinary action.

The 16-year-old boys wrote racist and sexually-abusive graffiti in prayer books, and bent a priceless John The Baptist cross out of shape at Blackburn Cathedral, causing £3,000 damage.

Pages were also torn out of the prayer books and insults written in the prayer and visitor books included: ‘I will kill all Jews. Don’t underestimate me’, and lurid sexual comments about ‘the vicar’.

They were caught after they wrote their names in the visitors’ book.

Chairman of the bench at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court Austin Molloy labelled the boys ‘absolute scum’ during the sentencing yesterday at the Youth Court.

But he was immediately criticised by the court clerk who stood up and objected to the use of the ‘inappropriate language’.

The mother of one of the boys said she would be making an official complaint.

I would agree that the scumminess of the miscreants has not yet had the time mature to the degree of perfection or completeness to warrant the use of “absolute”; perhaps the magistrate should have said “lesser scum”, although this seems overly generous.

Here is a brief history of “scum”:

1326 (implied in scummer “shallow ladle for removing scum”), from M.Du. schume “foam, froth,” from P.Gmc. *skuma- (cf. O.N. skum, O.H.G. scum, Ger. Schaum “foam, froth”), perhaps from PIE base *(s)keu- “to cover, conceal” (see hide (n.1)). Sense deteriorated from “thin layer atop liquid” to “film of dirt,” then just “dirt.” Meaning “lowest class of humanity” is 1586; scum of the Earth is from 1712. Adopted in Romanic, cf. O.Fr. escume, Mod.Fr. écume, Sp. escuma, It. schiuma. Adj. scummy first attested 1577; transf. sense of “filthy, disreputable” is recorded from 1932. Slang scumbag “condom” is from 1967; meaning “despicable person” is from 1971.

It is a shame that, on a rare occasion when the law was not an ass, a court clerk felt impelled to analyse the “appropriateness” (an overused and meaningless epithet) of a magistrate’s description of 16 year-olds who, for recreation,  enjoy writing “I will kill all Jews” in the Prayer Book.

Britain has become a strange place.

The decline and fall of the British police force

From here:

Three students were hailed as heroes last night after rescuing a drowning woman – as police stood by and watched.

Graham McGrath, Rosie Lucey and Rhys Black were walking beside the Albert Bridge in Glasgow when they saw the 37-year-old in the River Clyde, shouting for help.

Mr McGrath and Miss Lucey jumped in and pulled her to the bank. Mr Black then waded in and dragged all three ashore.

But as the courageous trio performed the dramatic rescue, Strathclyde Police officers held back worried onlookers on Glasgow’s Albert bridge.

A Strathclyde Police spokesman said: ‘It is not the responsibility of the police to go into the water – it’s the fire and rescue service.’

It’s understandable that police are reluctant to inconvenience themselves by getting wet just to save someone’s life: after all, they are kept so busy arresting Christians. And when not protecting the public from street preachers, they are productively employed cavorting naked at the festival of lactating sheep.

One thing is certain: these days are over:

[flv:https://www.anglicansamizdat.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Dixon_of_Dock_Green.flv 480 360]

Rev. Franklin Graham: "I Said Islam Was Wicked and Evil"

Rev. Franklin Graham was disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer for speaking the truth about Islam; so he prayed on the sidewalk outside instead and later talked to media:

Here he confirms that he believes that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone. Whatever next:

Assault with a deadly Welly

From here:

More than 40,000 people have signed up to a Facebook campaign supporting Royal Marine Sergeant Mark Leader, who was sacked after assaulting an Afghan prisoner with a Wellington boot.

The group, which calls for his reinstatement, was launched after The Mail on Sunday highlighted 34-year-old Sgt Leader’s story last week.

A court martial dismissed him and Captain Jody Wheelhouse for causing actual bodily harm to a suspect arrested for allegedly planting a roadside bomb.

Under the title Justice For Royal Marine Commando Mark Leader, 42,550 supporters, many of them servicemen and women, have been signing up to the campaign at the rate of one every 12 seconds.

They are also asked to sign a petition calling for his reinstatement and the return of his pension rights.

Brought to you by the British Army who also happened to produce this self-defense course:

Intolerance of Christianity

Prejudice against Christians seems to be at a fever pitch. I was chatting to an Anglican priest today who told me that he was with a group of non-Christians who, when asked what a clerical collar meant to them, said they associated it with paedophilia.

Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are paying a lawyer in an attempt to have the Pope arrested when he visits the UK in September – not, I am sure, to satisfy even their own fanciful and provincial sense of atheistic justice, but to discredit and preferably destroy the Catholic Church.

Christians in the workplace are being singled out and made examples of by what Archbishop George Carey believes are biased judges:

The Church and the judiciary are two of the most venerable pillars of the establishment.

But in an explosive development, war has been declared between them over one of the most fundamental aspects of our society – freedom of religious conscience.

In an unprecedented move, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, and other church leaders are calling upon the Master of the Rolls and other senior judges to stand down from future Court of Appeal hearings involving cases of religious discrimination because of the judges’ perceived bias against Christianity.

Christian hoteliers, although they won their case for the supposed hate crime of calling Mohammed a warlord and expressing the opinion that Muslim women are oppressed, are still losing their business:

The two Christian hoteliers cleared last year of insulting a Muslim guest are being forced to sell up because their business has collapsed.

Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang are putting their nine-bedroom hotel up for auction in May because they can no longer pay the mortgage.

Despite donations sent to them by Christian supporters from around the world, they still have debts of well over £400,000.

Meanwhile, although a Christian woman is not allowed to wear a cross for fear that it might scratch a patient, Muslim women are allowed unhygienic long sleeves for “religious reasons”:

Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to wear long sleeves for religious reasons – despite the risk of spreading deadly superbugs.

The Department of Health will allow female Muslim staff to opt out of a strict NHS dress code to cover their arms and protect their modesty.

But campaigners warn that the NHS is putting lives at risk because guidance that all staff should be ‘bare below the elbow’ was introduced after long sleeves were blamed for spreading MRSA.

So long Western Civilisation, it was nice while it lasted.

Suicide of the West

The luminous Theodore Dalrymple:

The secularization of Europe is hardly a secret. Religion’s long, melancholy, withdrawing roar, as Matthew Arnold put it, is a roar no longer, and hardly even a murmur. In France, the oldest daughter of the Church, fewer than 5 percent of the population attend Mass regularly. The English national church has long been an object of derision, and the current Archbishop of Canterbury succeeds in uniting the substance and appearance of foolishness and unworldliness not with sanctity, but with sanctimony. In Wales, where nonconformist Christianity was the dominant cultural influence, most of the chapels have been converted into residences by interior decorators. Vast outpourings of pietistic writings molder on the shelves of secondhand booksellers, which themselves are closing down daily. In the Netherlands, some elements of the religious pillarization of the state remain: state-funded television channels are still allotted to Protestants and Catholics respectively. But while the shell exists, the substance is gone.

Perhaps it is Ireland that offers the most startling example of secularization because it was a late starter. Late starters, however, are often apt pupils; they catch up fast and even surpass their mentors. When I first went to Ireland, the priest was a god among men; people stood aside to let him pass. No respectable family did not count a nun among its members. As for the Archbishop of Dublin, his word was law; the politicians might propose, but he disposed.

In the historical bat of an eyelid, all that has gone, beyond any hope (or fear) of restoration. It would hardly be too much to say that the Church is now reviled in Ireland. I suspect that if you performed a word-association test using the word “priest,” it would more often than not evoke a response of “pedophile,” “child abuser,” or (at best) “hypocrite.”

The whole article is well worth reading, but I highlighted the above because it provides an outsider’s assessment – Dalrymple is an agnostic – of the state of the institutional church. This is not mere Dawkinesque arrogance and bluster, but considered insight from one of our culture’s keenest observers.

To the outsider, the Anglican church is the home of buffoonery with a leader to suit, and the Catholic church, the home of pederasty. Is it any wonder that neither one can garner much respect amongst unbelievers.

Air force now using broomsticks

Harry Potter Harriers:

Witches, Druids and pagans rejoice! The Air Force Academy in Colorado is about to recognize its first Wiccan prayer circle, a Stonehenge on the Rockies that will serve as an outdoor place of worship for the academy’s neo-pagans.

Wiccan cadets and officers on the Colorado Springs base have been convening for over a decade, but the school will officially dedicate a newly built circle of stones on about March 10, putting the outdoor sanctuary on an equal footing with the Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Buddhist chapels on the base.

“When I first arrived here, Earth-centered cadets didn’t have anywhere to call home,” said Sgt. Robert Longcrier, the lay leader of the neo-pagan groups on base.

“Now, they meet every Monday night, they get to go on retreats, and they have a stone circle.”

Much as I hate to be non-inclusive: what the hell are Earth-centered cadets doing in the air force?

Our main concern is not terrorism, but “ugly words”

That is what a UK counter-terrorism expert thinks:

Police should not focus on skin colour or religion when profiling for stop-and-searches as there is ‘no single terrorist profile’, a senior counter-terrorism officer said today.

John Yates, Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations, said police need to take a ‘flexible and dynamic’ approach to profiling in order to stop suspected terrorists

He warned that al Qaida regularly changed tactics to keep a step ahead and called for security staff to use their experience to apply stop-and-search powers ‘sensitively’.

He said the failed Detroit plane plot at Christmas had reopened the debate on ‘profiling’, which he labelled an ‘ugly’ word.

Yates goes on to recommend a quota system for airport searches: for every bearded Muslim questioned, three white little old ladies must be strip-searched. In this way, the world will be kept safe from the horror of ugly words.

Setting fire to a mosque vs. setting fire to a church

Mosque (that didn’t actually catch fire): Firebombed! The whole building could have caught fire! Could have been very serious! Hate Crimes Unit springs into action! Here:

A mosque in Hamilton was firebombed early Monday, prompting an investigation by the police force’s hate crimes unit.

A rock was thrown through a window at an Islamic school at the Hamilton Mosque sometime after midnight, police said.

A Molotov cocktail was then either thrown or placed inside the window, causing a blaze that petered out without causing significant damage, police said.

“It could have been very serious,” said Zakir Patel, the principal at the Islamic School of Hamilton.

“The whole building could have [caught] fire.”

Staff discovered the damage when they entered the building on 1545 Stone Church Road E.

The Hamilton police hate crimes and arson units are investigating the incident.

Church (destroyed by fire): Fire is “suspicious”. Gasoline canister found – one can speculate; there could be a connection. Maybe the gas can was empty. Arson suspected – oh well, one less church. Hate Crimes Unit conspicuously absent. Here:

Arson suspected at historic Whitby church.
Police called the fire “suspicious” and are treating the area as a crime scene. They are asking any witnesses to come forward to help with their investigation.

Police confirmed a gasoline canister was found outside the church. “At this point, we haven’t made an actual determination that that has something to do with the fire,” said Jamie Grant, a Durham police spokesman.

“One can speculate … there may be some connection.”

It is not immediately clear whether the canister was empty or full.