Much as he would like to, he acknowledged that it is “against Anglican policy”; no doubt his bishop had a quiet word. The wedding in question was in some way “part of a radio competition”, an association that imbued it with ironclad legitimacy.
What is immediately apparent in this interview and, indeed, is apparent in every other instance of a same-sex couple wanting a church – I hate to call it “wedding” – agglutination, is that the desire has nothing at all to do with Christianity. Instead, it is a combination of: a poke in the eye to those who think marriage should be exclusively between people of the opposite sex; a liking of pageantry with ancient roots – a pageantry, though that, while it presents a pleasing aesthetic, has been rendered impotent through being drained of spiritual significance and thus, makes no demands on the participants; and an ecclesiastical stamp of approval on what, deep down, everyone knows is invalid.
Nothing to do with Christianity whatsoever; just like St. Matthews in the City.