Rowan Williams the dhimmicrat

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What’s a dhimmicrat, you say? It’s not the same thing as a Democrat. A dhimmicrat is a person who, while not Muslim himself, nonetheless clears the path for shariah law to be adopted and incorporated into otherwise free nations.

One prime example of this would be the Right Rev. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury. Normally, you would think this top Anglican cleric, who lives in a palace in London, would appreciate Britain’s history as the world’s leader in the Rule of Law. As a minister of the Gospel, Mr. Williams might see his country as a Christian country. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, an immigrant from Pakistan, has tried heroically to awaken Britons to their peril. Bishop Nazir-Ali says English law and the Christian religion are the two things that make Britain great. And every day, dhimmicrats like Rowan Williams are trading away their birthright for a mess of pottage. Rowan Williams said Britain must accommodate herself to shariah law in large swaths of her urban neighborhoods.

Much as I appreciate American Thinker, the author of this article, Ken Blackwell, obviously has no appreciation for the intelligence, learning and subtly nuanced thinking of the figurehead of the august and hallowed Anglican Communion.

Rowan has pointed out quite clearly (for him) that we have to “face up to the fact” [that] some citizens did not relate to the UK legal system. And he’s right: Britain has thousands of potential Islamist terrorists who have the greatest difficulty relating to the British legal system; to deprive them of the option of being tried by the ideology whose main means of persuasion is to blow people up would be, well, un-Anglican.