To be, or to self define, that is the question

In the continuing assault on objective reality, just as gender is now determined by feelings rather than chromosomes, race is subject to self-declaration rather than ancestry.

Such subjective relativism has even infected otherwise sensible evangelicals who appear to think it is more significant for a bishop to self-define as an evangelical than just be one.

At one end of the spectrum, some will point to the tremendous opportunities for evangelicals: the resources being released for church planting, the numbers of Bishops who self-define as evangelical, new initiatives such as ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, the historic advantages of the parish system and the theologically orthodox formularies.

This is the fruition of Sartre’s contention that since – supposedly – God does not exist, our existence precedes our essence. In other words, we were not in the mind of God before we came to be, so we have no predetermined essential nature other than that which we create subjectively for ourselves. What an odd malady to infest the church.