Fergus priest drawing Renegade Rainbows

The caption on the photo of Rev. Anne Turner, below, reads: “Rev. Ann Turner is the Rector at St. James Anglican Church in Fergus and begins each gathering with a land acknowledgement.”

It’s always puzzled me that those who are pressed by the weight of guilt into acknowledging that the land their building occupies really belongs to someone else never experience – or obey – the urge to give it back.

Still, Rev. Turner makes up for it by encouraging everyone to draw rainbows everywhere. Especially since it’s June. We’re all drawing rainbows. Even Jesus. Sorry, no, scratch that, the Rev. doesn’t mention Jesus at all.

Read it all here:

You might see her walking through the streets of Fergus wearing her clerical collar and talking to community members, running the service at St. James Anglican Church or working with community LGBTQ+ initiatives.

For years, Rev. Ann Turner has been an openly out priest with St. James Anglican Church in Fergus and has been a staple in the community while bridging the gap between marginalized communities and faith-based organizations.


Turner said she was happy to help build community inclusivity through various initiatives, like Renegade Rainbows, an initiative that encouraged community members across Centre Wellington to draw chalk rainbows on their sidewalk.

“There were little kids out drawing rainbows, there were seniors drawing rainbows and everything in between,” Turner said. “That was something absolutely anybody could do and it made a statement to those folks who might feel like they are outside the community.”

The St. James Anglican Church also flies the pride flag during the month of June.
“We also have the rainbow on our sign and rainbows on everything that’s attached to us, and all our programmes to make sure folks know that there’s a spot and there’s a safe place that’s out there,” Turner said.