Two Church of England vicars play at being refugees

In an attempt to more clearly define the meaning of “empty gesture”, two Church of England vicars are engaging in refugee playacting by sleeping on the floor of a community centre. Well, alright, it isn’t completely empty: they are donating money to a Gaza charity – of course, that could have been done without the silly political posturing.

From here:

TWO vicars and their family are living as “refugees” to draw attention to the plight of people in Gaza.

Rev Andrew Ashdown, the Anglican rector of Knights Enham, and his wife, the Rev Victoria Ashdown, curate of Whitchurch, are relying on the generosity of others while they and their family live without money in St Paul’s Church and Community Centre in Smannell Road, Andover.

They are spending each night on the floor in one of the community rooms.


Victoria added: “I feel it is our duty as a church to speak for the oppressed and against injustice. Standing in solidarity with the suffering felt like something we could do here to highlight the plight.”

I wonder if Victoria is as enthusiastic about standing in solidarity with the suffering if those who are suffering are Jews? Don’t bother trying to answer that.