God Rest You Queer and Questioning

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen as performed by the Proud Anglicans of Huron – with the words slightly altered.

I was shocked to notice the missed opportunity, however: “merry” remains unmolested, despite what surely must have been an overwhelming temptation to unburden the gentlemen of their heterosexuality and make them gay.

Anglicans in the Toronto Pride Parade

Canadian Anglicans, having little else to be proud of, paid their annual homage to the Zeitgeist yesterday:



Oakville was represented by St. Jude’s, the town’s posh church:


Someone lamented that there was only one bishop present, Terry Finlay. I think the person may have been mistaken, though: this fellow looks like a bishop to me:

Anglicans at World Pride 2014

As usual the Anglican Church of Canada was represented:

Proud Anglicans

More PA

The rector in this photo is Rev. Maggie Helwig who has a particular interest in not offending human dignity. Oddly enough, elsewhere in the march that she was so happy to take part in, we find a display that falls somewhat short of a panegyric to the human dignity of which she is so fond:


You will be pleased to hear that over $1.8M of our taxes went into making this march such a law-flouting success.