Discipline is on the agenda of the Primates’ meeting

David Virtue is reporting that both TEC and the ACoC are to be disciplined at the Primates’ meeting in January.

There are ACoC clergy that have a keen interest in discipline, but only if it is accompanied by bondage.

From VOL:

The discipline of The Episcopal Church (and presumably the Anglican Church of Canada) will be the first item on the agenda when the Primates of the Anglican Communion meet in Canterbury in January, VOL has learned.

If TEC and the ACoC are disciplined for their departure from the faith and do not leave the meeting, the Global South Primates will not be likely to stay, VOL was told.

If they are disciplined, repent and do the right thing and leave, the Global South archbishops will stay on, said the source.

A report by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada Fred Hiltz that ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach had only been invited for one day before the formal meeting gets under way — “as an opportunity for some conversation, in the ultimate hope that we might be able to find a way forward towards reconciliation,” is simply inaccurate. Hiltz described this as “a good thing.”

But VOL was told that this interpretation by Hiltz about what he thinks will transpire in Canterbury is simply not true and avoids the facts. Archbishop Beach will only come if the Global South archbishops come and they will only appear if Beach is invited and the issue of the North American departure from Scripture is the centerpiece of the discussion.

“The central issue of this meeting will be the theological innovations of The Episcopal Church and not climate change,” VOL was told.

Fred Hiltz looks forward to reconciliation at the Primates’ meeting

Fred Hiltz’s reaction – his public one, at least – to Archbishop Foley Beach’s attending the Primates’ meeting next January was a hope that he could converse his way into “reconciliation” with ACNA. To put it another way: he wants to have yet another shot at bamboozling the naïve fundamentalist conservatives that their liberal brethren don’t have horns after all.

“Reconciliation” the Hiltz way is for ACNA to peacefully co-exist with those who are in the process of draining the meaning out of marriage, who deny that Jesus is man’s only means of salvation, who have replaced the Gospel with Marxist flavoured social action, who believe the church’s primary calling is to the temporal rather than the eternal and who value money and survival over truth and integrity.

GAFCON and ACNA can only reconcile with TEC and the ACoC if both repudiate their false teaching, an event that is unlikely to occur this side of the apocalypse.

If Hiltz truly wants to reconcile, he could, as a gesture of good faith, give ANiC parishes their buildings back.

From here:

The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Most Revd Archbishop Fred Hiltz, welcomed the meeting as “a good thing”. Speaking on Tuesday, he described the decision to invite ACNA — it is understood that the representative will be present for one day, before the formal meeting gets under way — as “an opportunity for some conversation, in the ultimate hope that we might be able to find a way forward towards reconciliation”.

Personally, I would like to see a repetition of the dramatic but, alas, unsuccessful attempt at the 1998 Lambeth conference by Nigeria’s Bishop Emmanuel Chukwuma to exorcise demons of homosexuality from Rev. Richard Kirker through the unsolicited laying on of hands. That might be too much to hope for.

Anglican Primates “journeying together in honest conversation"

The Anglican Primates’ meeting, apart from producing copious travel related  quantities of carbon dioxide – a gas readily found in nature, at least – also resulted in wind of a less wholesome kind.

From here:

“By God’s grace we strive to express … unity in diversity which is the Spirit’s work among the churches of the communion and the community of primates,” the document says. “In our common life together we are passionately committed to journeying together in honest conversation.”

A phrase like that, apart from setting the teeth of every right-thinking person on edge, is a sure sign that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. And they are: the Primates representing the majority of Anglicans didn’t show up so, obviously, they won’t be journeying together in any sort of conversation.

The Primates deliberately avoided talking about the issue that is dividing their church, preferring, instead, to concentrating on trying to decide what a church is, on mouthing the expected platitudes, pontificating on anthropogenic global warming even though it may not exist and deploring the murder of Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato as violence against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community even though it may not be.

The obvious thing they didn’t talk about was winning souls for Christ; but why would they? – they are Anglican Primates and, as such, far too sophisticated to fall for that kind of fundamentalist hooey.