St. Francis in Wall Street

The religious left, in the form of Jim Wallis of Sojourners, is hastening to bestow its benediction on the Wall Street protestors who, it seems, are following in the footsteps of St. Francis.

From here:

Religious Left icon Jim Wallis has announced he will conduct a visitation to the occupiers presumably to bestow his blessing and, he doubtless hopes, to receive their homage.


A prominent Wallis acolyte is pacifist Evangelical Left activist Shane Claiborne, who likened the Wall Street Occupiers to St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is this week.

Brother Shane has a point. As I recall from “The Little Flowers of St. Francis”, one of his first acts on becoming a Christian was to remove all his clothes and present them to his wealthy father. Here is a worthy Wall Street follower doing the same:

And here is another acolyte defecating on a police car. I will have to reread “The Little Flowers of St. Francis”, since I can’t quite recall where that was mentioned.