From a technological perspective I am a child of my times: I like gadgets, computers, digital imaging, the Internet (I’m not sure how I coped so long without it) and I may even learn to like the iPad when it starts multi-tasking.

When it comes to language, though, I am more at home with the prose of Trollope than Twitter. So encountering a post-English atrocity like LGBTQQIP, presents the unpalatable temptation to do the opposite of what I occasionally succumbed to in a more colourful if muddled era: turn-off and tune-out.

One can’t dignify “LGBTQQIP” with the attribute of meaning, but it apparently begs to be applied to a person who is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Pansexual. I remain unclear as to whether one must be suffering all these afflictions simultaneously in order to lay claim to the acronym, but I suspect no-one is counting.

Were I allowed the speak at the forthcoming Anglican General Synod in Halifax – where I will be a blogging visitor –  it is a question I would bring up for deliberation in euphoric anticipation that someone would take me seriously.