From here:
“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
In recent days, questions have been asked about the Church of England’s attitude to new legislation in several countries that penalises people with same-sex attraction. In answer to these questions, we have recalled the common mind of the Primates of the Anglican Communion, as expressed in the Dromantine Communiqué of 2005.
The Communiqué said;
‘….we wish to make it quite clear that in our discussion and assessment of moral appropriateness of specific human behaviours, we continue unreservedly to be committed to the pastoral support and care of homosexual people.
The victimisation or diminishment of human beings whose affections happen to be ordered towards people of the same sex is anathema to us. We assure homosexual people that they are children of God, loved and valued by Him and deserving the best we can give – pastoral care and friendship.’
We hope that the pastoral care and friendship that the Communiqué described is accepted and acted upon in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We call upon the leaders of churches in such places to demonstrate the love of Christ and the affirmation of which the Dromantine communiqué speaks.”
Yours in Christ,
+Justin Cantuar +Sentamu Eboracensis
The church, once again, is permitting its agenda to be set more by cultural priorities – and there can be little doubt that our society is obsessively preoccupied with homosexuality – than God’s. If it were the other way around, I can’t help suspecting that there would be at least the occasional ecclesiastical Communiqué calling for protection for the unborn. But that, of course, is not something that would be universally popular and the last thing that Western Anglicanism is interested in is being less than culturally relevant.
As expected, the emphasis is on pastoral care for same-sex attracted individuals – so long as no one is encouraged to resist same-sex attraction. This will inexorably lead, as we have discovered in North America, to blanket approval of homosexual activity within committed, faithful, monogamous relationships.