Tag Archives: Israel
We Con the World
From the Jerusalem Post:
The parody video “We Con the World,” which mocked the international media coverage of the Gaza-bound “aid” flotilla that was stopped by Israeli naval commandos, has been removed from YouTube, where it received over 3 million views since it went up on June 3.
In removing the video from on Friday, YouTube posted a comment citing copyright infringement concerns from Warren Chappel Music Inc., which owns the rights to the 1985 charity fundraiser song “We Are the World.”
Never mind, I happen to have my own copy:
[flv:https://anglicansamizdat.net/wordpress/videos/WeContheWorld.flv 480 360]
Anglican Church of Canada takes another pot shot at Israel
The Anglican Church of Canada rarely passes over a chance to excoriate Israel. Had the Turkish “relief vessel” not been thug infested, they would have been escorted to shore and the IDF would have assisted in unloading the supplies. As it was, the IDF, unsurprisingly, defended themselves against a bunch of murderous “peace activists”.
It’s just as well that there are few left that give a hoot what the ACoC thinks about Israel – or, indeed, anything else.
The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada went on record expressing “deep concern” regarding the interception by Israeli Defence Forces of relief ships from Turkey and Ireland. The ships were attempting to disrupt the Israeli blockade of Palestinian ports to deliver relief supplies to Gaza.
Nine people were killed May 31 after the Israelis boarded ships heading toward Gaza. On June 4, an Irish Gaza-bound aid ship was forced to head towards the Israeli port of Ashdod instead.
The synod passed the motion by a show of hands after a short debate. “It’s not for us to declare to the nation of Israel how to defend themselves,” said David Parson from the diocese of the Arctic.
Bishop Dennis Drainville of Quebec argued that the synod was within its rights to object to what he considered an unjustified action. He quoted Martin Luther King as saying that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere.”
The motion asks the General Secretary to communicate to the Prime Minister and government of Canada its concern and view that a full international inquiry into the incidents is necessary.
Holy Land Christians call for protest…
Against the Muslim persecution of Christians in Palestine?
Don’t be silly. The protest is against something much more important, something discriminatory: Israeli travel permits for Easter.
Christians call for protest against Israeli travel permits for Easter.
Holy Land Christians are calling on their religious leaders to protest against the travel permit system imposed by Israel during Easter celebrations.
The situation is complicated in 2010 by the overlapping of Easter with the Jewish feast of the Passover.
“Any system which assigns entry permits to Easter celebrations necessarily denies the rest of the faithful their rights of participation in these religious events,” they wrote in a letter that has been circulated during the month of March.
Some 103 Christian lay leaders and 21 Christian organizations of all denominations, including the Near East Council of Churches, Gaza and Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees, Sabeel, the YMCA-Jerusalem, Bethlehem Bible College, Norwegian Church Aid and Arab Orthodox Society, signed the document.
Like all West Bank Palestinians, Christians must have permits to travel to Jerusalem.
“This is further proof of the inherently discriminatory nature of the denial of the basic rights to religious observance”.
Where do Arabs in Gaza get their drinking water?
A coterie of buffoons
Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu and Kofi Annan, among others, are Elders apparently and are out to save the world. Having solved the problem of discrimination against women – without mentioning Islam – they are about to focus their gaze on the Middle East; no doubt all strife and dissent with wither before the blinding light of their collective intelligence. In other words, look out Israel, you are in for another bashing.
“The Elders” are coming to the Middle East, ostensibly bringing wise diplomatic counsel, but actually are likely to deliver yet another ultimatum to Israel.
A brainchild of British billionaire and gadfly Richard Branson, “The Elders” are ostensibly a wise junta of “eminent global leaders” bringing “their collective influence and experience to support peace building, help address major causes of human suffering and promote the shared interests of humanity.”
Naturally, Jimmy Carter is an Elder. So too is retired South African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, former Irish President Mary Robinson, former Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, former Marxist Mozambican first lady (and later wife to Nelson Mandela) Graca Machel, and former Norwegian Premier Gro Bruntland, along with several other Third World luminaries and global justice advocates, all of whom are left of center.
These Elders generally advocate a flavorless globaloney approach to the world, usually guided by all the usual bromides echoing among the bureaucracies of the United Nations, the European Union, most NGO’s, Ivy League universities, and left-leaning philanthropies like Ford, Rockefeller, and Ted Turner’s United Nations Foundation. The Elders seem to draw their oxygen, stale though it is, from a self-enclosed phalanx of these mutually re-enforcing chattering societies.