Access to the Internet has become a human right

According to at least. To rectify the abhorrent injustice of being unplugged, is building a  free network.

The organisation doesn’t make it quite clear as to why Internet access is a human right – probably because to try to do so would expose the flimsiness of the reason. Its aim is to give everyone a voice. It’s going to be dreadfully noisy: just think of the spam – sorry, reliable information.

Alcoholic wants religion free treatment

From the CBC:

A Winnipeg man who has struggled with alcoholism for decades says he has filed a complaint with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission over the lack of a treatment program that’s free of religious or spiritual elements.

Rob Johnstone said he has battled alcoholism for 40 years and can’t find a treatment program that doesn’t rely on religion or spirituality as part of the recovery process.

“I should not be forced to participate in someone else’s religious beliefs. I shouldn’t have to add to mine,” said Johnstone, who added he has been an alcoholic for 40 years.

“I have my own beliefs and I’m happy with them.”

Rather than yet another frivolously idiotic complaint to a human rights commission, perhaps Johnstone should exercise his human right to continue being an alcoholic – a consequence, one presumes, of his happiness inducing beliefs.