Gilles Duceppe makes anti-Christian remarks in parliament

From Lifesite News:

OTTAWA, May 11, 2010 ( – In a May 6 speech criticizing the Conservative Government for defunding various pro-abortion groups, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe made remarks mocking Christianity which have shocked even members of the Commons.

With laughs and guffaws coming from opposition benches last week, Duceppe blasted the Conservative Government for the “ideological decision” to fund “religious groups that believe in the imminent return of the Messiah and translate the Bible into African and Asian dialects.”

In a follow-up comment Duceppe went further, saying sarcastically, “Will it really help women to send preachers … to Africa or to have the Bible translated. What a huge help and so essential.”

Mary Ellen Douglas of Campaign Life Coalition reacted with disgust to Duceppe’s remarks. “How sad and deplorable that a Canadian political leader would disgrace Parliament with such anti-Christian comment,” Douglas told LifeSiteNews.

Duceppe is no stranger to “ideological decisions”. He used to be a member of the Maoist Workers’ Communist Party of Canada and was an ardent Maoist until well into his 30s. Although, with most of his energy devoted to splitting up Canada and mocking Christianity, he now spends less time as apologist for a regime that murdered 40 million people.