George Galloway finds a way to entice Jews to Bradford

It’s difficult to find any compelling reason to visit Bradford; I accidentally passed through it once when I became lost on my way to somewhere more interesting. George Galloway, the eccentric, or as some would have it, congenitally unbalanced politician for Bradford West (a particularly uninteresting subdivision of the already excruciating dull City of Bradford), has devised an ingenious scheme to lure Jews, for whom he clearly has a particular affection, into his constituency: he is employing reverse psychology:

The devious plan has worked:

From here:

However, just eight days after Mr Galloway’s comments, a Jewish and Israeli group led by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Odze visited Bradford to ‘prove a point’ and claimed they had received a ‘nice reception even from those who weren’t pro-Israel’.

The first Jews to set foot in Bradford for 300 years; well done, George.

George Galloway: liar, hypocrite and cat person

UK failed politician, buffoon, thug-lover and cat impersonator, George Galloway offers 1000 pounds – or poonds as he would say – to anyone who finds him supporting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

That isn’t too hard, but how does one collect the 1000 poonds?

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Galloway is about as convincing as a cat as he is as a human: