Some animals are more equal than others

Fidel Castro, having built a socialist paradise chose not to live it himself, preferring instead to indulge in the fruits of capitalism: yachts, servants, his own island, gourmet food and every luxury his vast wealth could afford. Including Viagra to fuel his waning appetites in old age. It will be a cold day in Combinado del Este before Oliver Stone makes a documentary about that, of course.

From here:

In a new, 338-page memoir, titled The Hidden Life Of Fidel Castro (published in France by Michel Lafon and co-authored by Axel Gyldén), Sanchez, an employee of 20 years’ standing, lifts the lid on the luxurious excesses enjoyed by the autocrat and his inner circle.

The book portrays a man obsessed with power and money, who styled himself as a hero of the working classes while living the opulent existence of a medieval potentate.

Bad News about Fidel Castro

He is alive and very well according to this:

Former Venezuelan Vice President Elias Jaua said Sunday that he met with aging revolutionary icon Fidel Castro for five hours and showed The Associated Press photos of the encounter, quashing persistent rumors that the former Cuban leader was on his deathbed or had suffered a massive stroke.


Son Alex Castro told a reporter for a weekly Cuban newspaper that his father “is well, going about his daily life.”