Don’t ask don’t tell repealed

From here:

The US Senate has approved landmark legislation allowing openly gay people to serve in the military.

Senators voted 65-31 to overturn the 1993 “don’t ask, don’t tell” law, which bars gay people in the military from revealing their sexual orientation.

The House of Representatives had already approved the repeal bill. President Barack Obama says he is looking forward to signing it into law.

Opponents argue that the change will damage troop morale at a time of war.

John McCain isn’t convinced of the benefits of acquiescing to the demand that homosexuals be permitted to declare their less than conventional sexual proclivities while killing and dying in the service of their country:

“They will do what is asked of them, but don’t think there won’t be a great cost,” McCain said of combat troops.

McCain also said he blamed elite liberals for ramming through the legislation.

Nor is Marine Corps Chief, Gen. James Amos:

In a background briefing with a handful of Pentagon reporters, Gen. James Amos said a repeal of the law that bans gays from openly serving could prove to be a life-threatening distraction for combat Marines. Fox News was not invited to the briefing, but the military newspaper “Stars and Stripes” provided an audio recording.

“I don’t want to lose any Marines to the distraction,” Amos said. “I don’t want to have any Marines that I’m visiting at Bethesda [National Naval Medical Center, in Maryland] with no legs be the result of any type of distraction.”

No to worry though, the important thing is, Lady Gaga has given it her seal of approval:

“Can’t hold back the tears+pride,” tweeted Lady Gaga, who had been using her pop star status to campaign for the bill’s repeal. “We did it! Our voice was heard + today the Senate REPEALED DADT. A triumph for equality after 17 YEARS.”

Who is correct? Only time will tell: of course, if McCain and Amos are, it might be too late for them to tell Lady Gaga, “I told you so”.

What should be the military be pre-occupied with while at war?

Cross dressing, of course.

From here:

As U.S. politicians continue to debate whether to let gays serve openly in the American military, the Canadian Forces have issued a new policy detailing how the organization should accommodate transsexual and transvestite troops specifically. Soldiers, sailors and air force personnel who change their sex or sexual identity have a right to privacy and respect around that decision, but must conform to the dress code of their “target” gender, says the supplementary chapter of a military administration manual.

US general against repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

From here:

WASHINGTON — As many as 95 percent of Marines would be uncomfortable serving alongside openly gay troops, the retiring commandant of the Marine Corps told Fox News in an exclusive interview.

Gen. James Conway told Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin that a majority of his men and women think a repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy barring gays from serving openly will be problematic, so he has to believe that, too.

“When we take a survey of our Marines, by and large, they say that they are concerned that it will cause potential problems with regard to their order and discipline — that it will impact their sense of unit cohesion,” Conway said.

Gen. Conway was the first member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to speak out against a repeal earlier this year after Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen publicly endorsed President Obama’s desire to change the law.

The percentage of homosexuals in the military is in the “low single digits”, so why is this policy being repealed? Because it “infringes on fundamental rights”? – then why join the military; there is nothing quite as right infringing as being shot at by inconsiderate enemies. To make 3% of the military comfortable while making 90% uncomfortable? Because it has been illegal for the last 17 years and someone has just noticed? For the application of that elusive commodity, fairness?

Or to make the military compliant with the psychoses of our homosexualised culture?

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