The new website for Continuing Indaba

According to the website:

Continuing Indaba uses journeys to establish relationships and build community so that genuine conversation on matters of significance can energise mission.

I would like to congratulate the writer on cramming an unprecedented concentration of clichés into one sentence: journeys, relationships, community, conversation, significance, energise and mission are all there – although it’s a shame he missed trajectory and go deeper.

In the spirit of robust obfuscation, the sentence could be describing anything from a seniors’ knitting club on a long cruise to a morale boosting – it’s actually called “team building“ now – IBM sales meeting at an expensive golf resort.

What it actually is, is a liberal diversion aimed at lulling unwary conservatives into a conversational stupor while, behind the scenes, the real work is done: Continuing Machinations to bring to pass everything the conservatives disagree with.

For those convinced that with a new Archbishop of Canterbury things would change, the first photograph that appears on the site might be something of a disappointment:


The second holds more promise: a Canada goose. We are trying to get rid of them because they poop on everything:


Continuing Indaba to….. continue

What a relief. For a moment I thought someone might have put it out of its misery, thereby preventing further conversations aimed at diverting attention away from the dire peril threatening to rend the Anglican Communion asunder.

From here:

The core values of the Continuing Indaba were defined in a paper  by John Mark Oduor of Kenya He summoned the community to meet under the cross of Christ,” for the healing, reconciliation and unity of the community and the world” The core values he identified are:

·       The priority of Relationship

·       The need for Conversation

·       The significance of A Place of Meeting

·       The Appreciation of our Uniqueness within a whole community

·       Forgiveness and healing


When the time came for the ACC to vote on a proposed resolution regarding the future of Continuing Indaba, several delegates suggested further additions, including a suggestion from Bp Samson Mwalunda of Kenya, that Continuing Indaba should be a process to undergird all pan-Anglican conferences. There was another suggestion that Continuing indaba should have a commitment to the ultimate resolution of issues.

ACC Chair, Bp James Tengatenga, offered the members a motion to seek to refine the resolution, or to vote on the existing one. By a narrow margin, the ACC voted to not accept any amendments, and a majority then voted in favour of the unamended resolution.