New Zealand Government meddles with Anglican cathedral, church is upset

The Anglican Church in the West spends an inordinate amount of time pontificating on how the government isn’t doing enough to redistribute wealth, combat global warming or is tilting at an insufficient number of other trendy windmills.

Strangely enough, when governments attempt to interfere in church matters, the church is suddenly overcome with spasms of territorial outrage.

From here:

The Anglican Church is dismayed that the rebuilding of earthquake-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral may feature in talks to form a government this year.

The church is deconstructing the cathedral in the face of rage from heritage groups, and now NZ First leader Winston Peters has put the issue of its restoration high on his agenda and called for government intervention.


Diocese of Christchurch spokesman Rev Jayson Rhodes says it’s puzzling that privately owned land and buildings could become part of government confidence and supply agreements.

Wizard of New Zealand wants to save Christchurch Cathedral

New Zealand’s Anglican Christchurch Cathedral is due to be demolished because of earthquake damage; a cardboard replacement will be erected in its stead.

To compound the strangeness of this saga, the Wizard of New Zealand, a Gandalf impersonator, self-professed shaman and employee of Christchurch City Council, is keen on preserving the original crumbling structure. His zeal has inspired likeminded pagans to join his cause – for example: “F*** the cost,” she said. “It’s got to be saved. This is more than just a Christian place. I’m a pagan but I liked to go and sit there and meditate.”

The most mystifying part of this is: why are pagans so determined to preserve an Anglican Cathedral; there must be a reason.

From here:

Christchurch’s wizard is brewing up a protest today, against the deconstruction of the city’s cathedral.

The Anglican Church has confirmed it won’t halt the process of bringing the building down to two or three metres, despite weeks of protest and public backlash.

The Wizard has labelled Anglican Bishop Victoria Matthews as “seriously cracked” and in a dangerous state, with no evidence she can be made safe.