Someone stole the Diocese of New Westminster’s brass eagle

From here:

Sometime between 9:10 and 10am on Sunday, January 9th, 2011, a person or persons unknown stole the brass Eagle Lectern from the narthex of Christ Church Cathedral.

Following the interior renovation of the 116 year old heritage building the Eagle lectern was moved from its former position in the sanctuary to the narthex (entrance lobby) vestibule where it served as a welcoming presence for visitors.

The “Eagle” is estimated to have been at the Cathedral since prior to World War II and it weighs roughly 80-90 kilograms.

The Cathedral Parish would very much like to have this item returned. Selling it for scrap is going to be very difficult, particularly as Cathedral staff immediately contacted the VPD and notified foundry owners of the disappearance of the item.

Boy, that thing was heavy.