Every time a bell rings an Angel inhales CO2

According to ZuZu Bailey in Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.”

Not exactly biblical, but everyone enjoys a sentimental film at Christmas and no-one takes it very seriously – although these days, perhaps some do.

Here is the contemporary equivalent from the Green Team at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Uxbridge; as is the case with much that is modern, twice as silly and four times as superstitious as the original.

The Green Team at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Uxbridge, Ont. rang their church bell 350 times as part of the 350.org climate change campaign on Oct. 24. The team was part of an international demonstration involving 182 nations. The goal: send a message to world leaders about the need for action on global warming. “CO2 in the atmosphere has to be reduced to less than 350 parts per million and quickly, if we are to save many life forms on this planet, including ourselves,” said the team in a press release issued today. “The holy spirit was working throughout the world this past weekend, we won’t fail.”

Beware of the Anglo-Catholics

In Brideshead Revisited, when Charles’s cousin Jasper advises him to “Beware of the Anglo-Catholics—they’re all sodomites with unpleasant accents. In fact, steer clear of all the religious groups; they do nothing but harm.”, I thought Evelyn Waugh was exercising poetic license, or at least exaggerating.

But perhaps not:

But property matters and theology are not the only stumbling blocks on the road to Rome. There is another elephant in the vestry. It is one that is not spoken about openly; it is suppressed by a potent mixture of political correctness and traditional church hypocrisy. But it’s high time it was aired. It is this: a very significant proportion, perhaps even a majority in some dioceses, of Anglo-Catholic clergy are homosexual men. Everyone with a ministry in the Church of England knows this.

Just what the Roman Catholic Church needs: more homosexual priests.

Nutty Roman Catholic Nuns

Whenever I find myself mildly enticed by the Roman Catholic Church, I read something like this:

Dominican Sister Donna Quinn is serving as an escort at the ACU Health Center, a prominent abortion business in Hinsdale, Ill.

A recent photo in the Chicago Tribune pictured two older women, one of which was Sister Donna, wearing “Clinic Escort” vests outside the center, which proclaims on its website it “now offers the RU486 abortion pill.”

A check on Loyola University Chicago’s Women and Leadership Archives, Center for Women and Leadership and the National Coalition of American Nuns (NCAN) website, a group that opposes Church teachings on moral issues, finds Sister Donna helped to either co-found or organize different groups with feminist radical causes, actively advocating such causes as reproductive “choice,” specific rights for homosexual persons, and women’s ordination.

And I’m reassured that there is a flourishing barmy faction in the RC Church, much as Anglicanism – the difference in Anglicanism is that its Western expression is the barmy faction.

The Church of England, heading for oblivion at full throttle

The Roman Catholic church is poaching in Rowan’s Anglican empire. Rowan did not anticipate Rome’s offer to absorb disaffected Anglicans: it came as a shock, had nothing to do with ecumenism and certainly did not have Rowan’s consent.

Of course, Rowan has brought this on himself with weak – make that no – leadership, speeches that remain impenetrable even by Ephraim Radner standards and an ivory tower elitism that has placed his thinking out of reach and beyond the sympathy of the common  man.

Combine this with the mayhem in North America and it is clear that the Western Anglican Church is going under. What may have been forgotten is that, in addition to the woes of its spiritual and numerical decline, the clouded vision of the CofE led it to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in Al Gore’s Generation Investment Management. The only individual who stands to benefit from this is hoax magnate and conman extraordinaire, Al Gore who is making money hand over fist.

So, Western Anglicanism: spiritually and morally bankrupt and soon to be financially bankrupt.

Vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the Lord.

Rowan Williams and the Devil

Rowan Williams strongly disagrees with the Iraq war and seems to think the Devil was behind it:

Williams cites the Devil in attack on invasion ‘spin’

The bitterness, recriminations and accusations of betrayal which enmeshed the Iraq war surfaced unexpectedly and powerfully at a memorial service for the fallen yesterday.

Dr Williams said: “The invisible enemy may be hiding in the temptation to look for shortcuts in the search for justice – letting ends justify means, letting others rather than oneself carry the cost, denying the difficulties or the failures so as to present a good public face.” In this context, “the invisible enemy” denoted the Devil.

It’s a shame that Rowan can only spot the Devil at work in government when he is working to such dramatic effect in Rowan’s own denomination.

Scrubbing Anglican floors doesn’t pay much

It seems that the Anglican Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago is a typical example of the Anglican church’s preferential treatment of the poor: conversation, dialogue, whining to the government and little else. A pensioner who spent 30 years scrubbing diocesan floors was dismissed with a $2000 pension [US$318]: the diocese is all heart:

A Couva pensioner is seeking redress from the Anglican Church for a retirement benefit which she claims she earned after working for more than 30 years as a cleaner at an Anglican school.

Cynthia James, 65, of Balmatte Street, Couva, was employed by the Anglican Diocese in 1977 to work as a cleaner at Anstey Memorial Girls’ Anglican School, Drayton Street, San Fernando. She retired on November 11, 2008.

James said she informed the school manager Canon Francis Caesar of her retirement one month before leaving, in a letter which she delivered to his office at the St Paul’s Rectory, Harris Promenade, San Fernando.

In December 2008, the diocese gave her a cheque for $2,000. She said she was informed the diocese withheld $3,000 as payment for a washing machine which the diocese bought for her before she retired.

“In a breakdown the diocese explained that I really received a $5,000 retirement benefit and after $3,000 was extracted for the washing machine, I was left with a sum of $2,000,” she said.

James said she subsequently contacted Caesar several times to ask why her retirement benefit was so small and was dissatisfied with his response.

“Caesar said $5,000 was the amount that the Anglican Board agreed upon and that I should be glad that I got it because I was not supposed to get any money,” she said.

Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest countries in the Caribbean with average monthly income of $4,417 [US$793].

Let’s hope she enjoys the washing machine.


Mass producing Muslims

As Christendom aborts and birth-controls itself into extinction, Muslims in Africa are being encouraged to go forth and multiply. Novel idea:

The new leader of the Anglican church in Nigeria believes that Muslims are “mass producing” babies to take over Africa.

The Most Revd Nicholas Okoh, who believes that Christianity is under attack from Islam, was elected primate of Nigeria earlier this month, making him one of the powerful figures in Anglicanism.

Nigeria, where the Anglican church has 17 million adherents, is split between Christianity and Islam.

In a sermon in Beckenham, Kent, in July he spoke of African Christians being “surrounded by Islamic domination”.

In extracts quoted by The Times, he said: “They spend a lot of money, even in places where they don’t have congregations, they build mosques, they build hospitals, they build anything.

“They come to Africans and say, ‘Christianity is asking you to marry only one wife. We will give you four’.”

He went on: “That is the type of evangelism they are doing: mass-production, so if you have four wives, four children, sixteen children, very soon you will be a village.”

Meanwhile, Rowan Williams – who know something about hair mass-production since he has more in his eyebrows than Osama bin Laden does in his beard – is beating back the onslaught of Islam by positive engagement and good wishes:

The Archbishop of Canterbury has released a message for the Muslim festival Eid.

Sending “warm good wishes” to the Muslim community, Dr Rowan Williams cites recent positive examples of Christian and Muslim “engagement”.

“My great hope for the coming year is that our festivals will increasingly be occasions of mutual gladness,” he says.

George Pitcher: pitching pot shots

Recently, a British MP “stormed out” of a Muslim wedding because the men and women were segregated; unsurprisingly, his action has resulted in heated debate on both sides of the issue. One of the more parochial opinions has come from a liberal Anglican priest:

First, would he have walked out of a Christian wedding, in a catholic or evangelical church that subscribes to scriptural injunctions regarding the inferiority of women? Before we get too smug about Muslim gender segregation, let’s remember that St Paul was no slouch when it came to apparent misogyny. Take a look at Ephesians 5:23 (”The man is the head of the woman”) or 1 Corinthians 14 (”Let the women keep silent in churches…For it is a disgrace for a woman to speak in church.”).

Paul was of course a Jew in a very patriarchal society and his social attitudes must be seen in that context. Some biblical scholars claim that the women of his age were not educated and couldn’t understand the Greek in which church services were conducted, so they sat together and chatted. Paul wanted them to keep quiet. So it wasn’t so much an issue of religious discrimination as lack of education. Or “education, education, education” as Mr Fitzpatrick’s Government would have it.

George Pitcher is an Anglican priest in the CofE and evidently has a very narrow, illiberal view of conservatives Christians. The bible does indeed prescribe different roles for men and women, but no Christian denomination, conservative or otherwise, thinks that the exhortation is a result of women’s “inferiority”.

Pitcher surely knows this but seems to be determined to use any opportunity to take poorly aimed pot-shots at Christians who believe what he is paid to believe, but apparently doesn’t.

Anglican Communion: Unity, Faith and Order

After a diligent search for a Director of Lost Causes, the Anglican Church has found its woman:Add an Image

Canadian woman priest appointed to prestigious Communion position.
Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan has been appointed director for Unity, Faith and Order for the Anglican Communion.

Good luck, sweetie.

Foisting fake Christianity on the young

The Bishop of Wales, Barry Morgan wants compulsory worship to continue in British schools:

A law allowing 16-year-olds to opt out of prayers in assembly devalues and marginalises religion in schools, Dr Barry Morgan, the Archbishop of Wales, has warned.

Dr Morgan warned that by degrading the status of faith, schools risked becoming obsessed with “personal attainment”.

He said that group prayer offered pupils a rare opportunity for “recognition, affirmation and celebration of shared values” and should be encouraged.

“Collective worship has been branded as something that young people grow out of by the age of 16, at precisely the time when it might be the best way of feeding both their minds and their hearts as they start to explore the responsibilities and consequences of adult life,” Dr Morgan said.

“I am concerned that this is the thin end of the wedge and could be just the start of a process that devalues and ultimately marginalises the provision of collective worship in schools”.

His warning came after Wales joined England by passing a law allowing pupils aged 16 and over to withdraw from collective worship without parental consent.

This comes from the same Barry Morgan who was all for compelling those in his church who disagree with women’s ordination to submit to the authority of a woman bishop – even if it went against their consciences. Liberal Anglican bishops peddle diversity to all and sundry, employing compulsion when necessary.

Barry Morgan is also in favour of gay bishops: when Gene Robinson was not invited to Lambeth, Barry- in a fit of pique –hosted his own meeting of liberal Anglicans with Gene as a guest.

Given this context, what does he mean by rare opportunity for “recognition, affirmation and celebration of shared values”? He means what any pseudo-Christian Anglican bishop would mean: we must indoctrinate the young with the western liberal elitist dogma of diversity, inclusion and relativism so that they grow up like us.

I went through high school in Wales when attending “morning assembly” was compulsory. The predominant effect of watching bored teachers, who evidently did not believe in what they were doing, go through the motions every day was to engender in me a revulsion to Christianity: as far as I was concerned Christianity was an exercise in hypocrisy and tedium. Interestingly, a couple of teachers who partially reversed this effect were a chemistry teacher who was an evangelical Christian – and a prim fusspot – and a math teacher who quietly subverted the establishment efforts to Christianise the school population. The former was not afraid to engage in debates with students about his faith and the latter – who called himself a “seeker” – tried to make us think about the consequences our beliefs.

I wonder whether Barry Morgan would object to students absenting themselves from his form of bogus Christian worship to attend a Bible study run by Evangelical Christians.