The most superfluous exhortation at the Anglican Joint Assembly

14-07-2013 8-44-39 PMAt the end of a Eucharist at the Anglican Church of Canada’s Joint Assembly, Katharine Jefferts-Schori, one of the invited guests, dismissed the congregation with: “Get Up. Get Out. Get Lost”.

Hundreds of people felt excluded by the dismissal: there were, after all, only three people present who were not already lost.

The Anglican Church of Canada identifies “the critical justice issue of our time”

No, it’s not the unrestricted killing of 65,000 unborn Canadian babies every year, it’s  – wait for it: mining. I expect you already guessed that, though.

From the eco-babbling borborygmus of the Anglican Joint Assembly:

For Canadian especially, resource extraction is “the critical justice issue of our time,” said Jennifer Henry, executive director of the Canadian ecumenical justice group, KAIROS, who addressed the assembly. “We have a tremendous impact on earth and all that’s in it.”

Canada is home to 75 per cent of the world’s mining and mineral exploration companies, and its stock exchanges trade 40 per cent of the world’s mineral exploration capital, Sara Stratton, KAIROS education and campaigns co-ordinator, also told the assembly. In 2011, resource extraction accounted for 11 per cent of Canadian GDP, up from six per cent in 2001, said Stratton.


Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson both spoke of the need to act on the issue.

“We are all in this together,” said Johnson, adding that the challenge before members is “how to reduce consumption and help generate solutions.”

This must mean that all the delegates are going to walk home.