Rev. Gary Nicolosi enlightens us on being “right wing”

From here:

[T]he media—both in Canada and the United States—have not been helpful in reporting the Norwegian tragedy. They have repeatedly characterized Anders Breivik as a “right wing, Christian fundamentalist.” However, at least two of these three assertions are not true.


To put it bluntly, Mr. Breivik is a racist and a bigot who upholds a Scandinavian version of a master race—an ethnocentric superiority that views foreigners, and especially Muslims, as a virus to be eliminated. Whatever else his philosophy may be, it is NOT Christian.

Nor is Mr. Breivik a fundamentalist, if one means a Christian fundamentalist. I know some Christian fundamentalists, and none would ever consider murdering innocent people.

Only two assertions not true? According to Rev. Nicolosi, Breivik is definitely not a Christian or a fundamentalist. That leaves us with his being merely “right wing”, just like William F Buckley and Ronald Reagan.

How helpful, Rev. Nicolosi.

Anders Behring Breivik is not a Christian

Nor was his evil, murderous rampage inspired by any form of Christianity, fundamentalist or otherwise.

Nevertheless, media articles repeatedly refer to him as a Christian fundamentalist. For example:

Anders Behring Breivik, the main suspect in the Norwegian bomb attacks and shootings, has been described by police as a Christian fundamentalist with right-wing views.


On the Facebook page attributed to him, he describes himself as a Christian and a conservative.


What has emerged so far paints a disturbing picture: a Christian fundamentalist with a deep hatred of multiculturalism, of the left and of Muslims, who had written disparagingly of prominent Norwegian politicians.

The enthusiasm that the mainstream media has demonstrated in identifying – misidentifying, really – Breivik’s religion is quite absent when it comes to identifying the religion of those responsible for Islamist attacks – around 16,000 since 9/11. Going by media accounts, when it comes to Islamist terrorism there is not a Muslim to be found anywhere – except among the victims.