Stand up! Stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross

This hymn has taken on new meaning in the Diocese of Niagara. At the last Niagara synod, all priests who are not in favour of same-sex blessings were asked to stand up to identify themselves; whereupon the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit duly noted their names.

The Diocese of Love and Inclusion also fired two priests. One was a conservative priest who had a thriving congregation; he was told he “just didn’t fit in”. He was given severance, but hasn’t actually seen any of it. The other was a liberal priest who did not manage to persuade an Anglican and Lutheran congregation to merge; she was told that “if you can’t do it, we’ll find someone who can”. She was given 6 months to find a new place to live, but the utilities in the rectory were all disconnected  by the diocese, so she had to leave immediately.

The Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry at work.

8 thoughts on “Stand up! Stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the cross

  1. I give the whole rotten outfit no more than five years to collapse. In twenty years everyone you see in the ACoC pews will be dead, fled, or on on meds. Actually there will be only 5000 Anglicans left in Canada by 2029. You can take that to the bank.

  2. I have no problem having a sincere disagreement over scriptural interpretation with anyone. Even though I may believe that someone is dead wrong, I have to respect their right to hold their well founded views.
    What I don’t have to accept is the fascist machinations of the ACoC establishment to trash and burn all opposition to their secular agenda.
    Now that they have identified the enemy, what’s next, Crystal Night?
    Those that have ears to hear…

  3. Actually yes I have to respect their right to hold their views. As for being “well founded” that is another matter. But then what do I know?

  4. Obituary,
    I struggled with using “heart felt” instead of “well founded”. The difference is in the work/effort needed to come to a conclusion.
    There are those that have come to their views through prayerful reading of scripture and intense study. I may disagree with their conclusions, but not their effort.
    There are also those who come to their conclusions based on swallowing vapid secular propaganda. They may be sincere and heart felt, but their approach to truth is unchristian.

  5. Thanks bunches, Obituary. I’m “on meds”, but you wouldn’t know it to meet me. Stupid stereotypes like that foster the shame that kept me from admitting to myself that I needed them for years. And yes, I go to an ANiC church, imagine that!

  6. Ah I repent my words KLS. I have friends on “meds” and friends who refuse them and are in a terrible state because of it. My apologies to all on medication. A lapse of judgment is my poor excuse but not good enough. Actually I am on one myself in retrospection. A mild pick me up but couldn’t function with out it. Sorry.

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