Saying goodbye

Two of our grandchildren departed with their parents for a new life in Australia this afternoon. My wife and I have six grandchildren: we are especially close to these two.

They left with floods of tears and hugs that didn’t want to let go. I was reminded of a few lines by William Blake:

It is right it should be so;
Man was made for joy and woe;
And when this we rightly know,
Thro’ the world we safely go.

Joy and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine.
Under every grief and pine
Runs a joy with silken twine.

9 thoughts on “Saying goodbye

  1. We shall miss them also as they are lovely young ladies. It has been a pleasure knowing them since birth, especially as they have been part of our church family. We wish them and their parents all the Lord’s blessings in their new life down under. Who knows they may come back. Peace to you both.

  2. I thought of you two – and the leaving family members – and wept for you all. These separations were taught to us by pioneers, but never easy. I empathize with you. Thanks for letting them sing one last song yesterday. May God’s bounty pour out upon them all, and may they all come to understand His wonderful grace.

  3. They are such beautiful children. I too, have six grandchildren and it hurts to even think of such a separation. I hope they don’t like Australia and come home!

  4. We feel the touch of love and joy so deep within our heart, stored treasures to sustain us when we are apart.

    The tears we shed and laughter shared forever held in trust will remain forever in our heart long after we are dust.

    These Angels that have taken wings to fly to distant lands will never be outside the reach of our Father’s hands.

    It’s true you cannot touch their heads or kiss their smiling face but access to their heart remains a treasured storage space.

    God’ gifts are for a lifetime not trapped in time and space enjoy them now forever a gift of love and Grace.

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