Rev. Susan Bell to be new bishop in The Diocese of Niagara

From here:

The Reverend Canon Susan Bell, a pioneering priest and former school chaplain, has been elected to serve as the next bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara. Born and raised in Hamilton, she will be the first woman to serve as diocesan bishop since the diocese was founded in 1875.

Bell will continue the “progressive ministry” of her predecessor, Michael Bird. Bird’s ministry included progressive lawsuits, the progressive seizing of buildings, progressive building closures, a progressive mass exodus of orthodox believers and progressive financial troubles.

The newly-elected bishop will build on the “prayerful, prophetic and progressive ministry of outgoing Bishop Michael Bird, who served as Bishop of Niagara for the past decade,” the diocese said in a news release.

It will come as no surprise that Bell supports same-sex marriage:

My opinion remains unchanged from what I said on the floor of General Synod 2016:   that I would be voting in favour of a change in the marriage canon. I have taken a long journey which has included much study, prayer, many conversations and a deep investment in relationships until I arrived at a place of peace on this issue.

I would preserve the status quo in the lead up to General Synod 2019 and would be proud to cast my vote in favour of equal marriage in the Anglican Church of Canada.

11 thoughts on “Rev. Susan Bell to be new bishop in The Diocese of Niagara

  1. Giving up the struggle with falsehood might leave one with the sentiment of peace. This kind of peace is not the “peace of God which passes all understanding.” It is a false peace fostered by the father of lies.

  2. Just another apostate within the House of Apostates led by Fred Hiltz. One has to ask when the ACoC will ever return to the Gospel as it appears they are determined to worship that detestable god of political expediency. She might well wear a purple shift and white collar but is nothing less than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  3. I detest the very common use of the adjective “progressive” to convey a connotation of something, and typically vaguely so, good and desirable. Its core, denotational and politically neutral, meaning is, of course, that of moving in an established understood direction. Whether the consequences of such motion are good or bad, in accordance with the Gospel or working against it, is another matter. In medicine “progressive” applied to a disease is not a positive qualifier. The political and rhetorical use of “progressive”, as in this instance, i.e. “prayerful, prophetic and progressive ministry [of outgoing Bishop Micheal Bird] – I will overlook the possible penchant of alliteration possessing the person who penned that – is as a smokescreen substitution for “liberal” in opposition to “conservative”. In a conservative vs. liberal debate, identified as such, there is at the least the hope of a balance and a meeting ground. When liberals descend to co-opting the epithet “progressive” look for their thumb on the scale, a prideful attitude in their spirit, and an intention to signal their virtue.

    • Progressive is one of the many terms used by liberals – properly called apostates – who have turned their allegiance from the God of the Bible to their own god – the god of political expediency.

      • In Canada, we have a Progressive Conservative party. Personally, I prefer to call someone either a Christian believer or a faked one, and leave it at that.

  4. From ‘the Going of ARCHy’:
    “experience is the need of my soul…
    a new outlook on life…
    I see things from the underside now…”

    To ‘the Coming of MehitaBEL’:
    “…a believer in the …
    transmigration of the soul…
    toujours gai, toujours gai…”

    Levitical levity this is not: ch. 18.
    Good LORD deliver us.

  5. “I have taken a long journey which has included much study …” No it hasn’t. Not when she manifestly believes one or more of these falsehoods:–

    That the Holy Scriptures are ambiguous about same-sex physical intimacy; that we may not know what were the convictions and practice of the Lord Jesus; that the phenomenon was different in the ancient world; that the behaviour of those with same-sex leanings is genetically pre-determined; that Christian love requires us to ‘bless’ same-sex ‘unions’; that people of the same sex can consummate sexually; and that all love may legitim­ately find an intimate physical expression.

    If even half of the HoB had read my book Holy Homosex? we could not be in this pickle.

      • Thanks, you encourage me very much. Not because of the small royalty, I hasten to add.

        I can get copies through shipped and taxed at my low royalty-free author’s price for c. $7.00 a pop, and will do this even for many copies, for any sincere person who will reimburse me that low price plus shipping. There will normally be a small sum demanded at your end by the Canadian revenue.

      • Please when you have got your copy and read at least some of it, think about posting your reaction here, pour encourager les autres.

        Unless your biblical languages are very good, it’s probably best to start some way into the papers, even with the long Dialogue with Hugh. You’ll find the conclusions to my philological paper OK without Greek, Hebrew etc., but the body of it will be tough going.

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