Pseudo-Christian eco-babble in the Diocese of Niagara

When I interviewed Dr. George Sumner, principle of Wycliff College recently at the Anglican General Synod, we had the following exchange about attempting to run a program like Fresh Expressions in a diocese that has, for all intents and purposes, abandoned the Gospel:

David: I talked to another of your professors about Fresh Expressions. The concern I raised was what would the techniques he was teaching be used to express – would it be the Gospel?
Rev. Dr. George:  I think encouraging the church to let many flowers bloom evangelistically is good. You know, the flowers will thrive or they’ll die – like the parable of the sower. The fact that the professor in question himself is a theologically grounded is not irrelevant. These things are not just techniques – the Gospel is never a technique.

David: My point is that that was all very well, perhaps, while he was still involved, but once it was handed over to a less than orthodox diocese, it would no longer be a Fresh Expression of the Gospel, but something else.
Rev. Dr. George
:  Maybe I’m an optimist.

David: I’m not accused of that very often.

This is a recent video by the Diocese of Niagara extolling the eco-expiatory benefits of using green certified cleaning products. The email contact at the end of the video is I’m tempted to send this to Dr. Sumner to curb his optimism.

4 thoughts on “Pseudo-Christian eco-babble in the Diocese of Niagara

  1. Rev. Dr. George: I think encouraging the church to let many flowers bloom

    I don’t think we were intended to intentionally plant seeds that will become weeds.

  2. I just watched the first 30 seconds of the video – Enough!
    I attended that church one Sunday a few years ago, with this priest’s predecessor. There were so many non-scriptural “touches” it appalled me – terminating in a so-called blessing in the name of – creator, redeemer and sanctifier. I felt so sorry for all the elderly there who had maintained that church and this was their ‘home’. I cannot imagine it has improved.

  3. Our young ones are very susceptible to these “Save The Planet”ideas and ideals – they want to be part of the movement to change our way of life, they feel they have a good reason to do this, and are somewhat fearless in their approach. Behind the “Green, Save the Planet” movement is an occult cabal!

    “What if Mary is another name for Gaia? Then her capacity for
    virgin birth is no miracle . . . it is a role of Gaia since life began . . .
    She is of this Universe and, conceivably, a part of God. On Earth,
    she is the source of life everlasting and is alive now;
    she gave birth to humankind and we are part of her.”
    – Sir James Lovelock, Ages of Gaia

    Look at it this way, those who want you to save the planet, are leading you down the path that will teach you that there is no God ‘out there’. The Earth is your mother – they even name her Gaia. But will she die for you? will she rise for you? and more importantly can she lead you into everlasting life?

    Sure do your bit to recycle and not misuse the gifts given to you on this planet …. but be careful who it is you follow and which path they lead you down!

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