Poverty reduction in the Diocese of Niagara

Here is a letter from Bishop Michael Bird to the Hon. Deb Matthews, June 2008:

Bishop Michael Bird, Anglican Diocese of Niagara

“In the short term, we realize that charity and compassion are essential when people are suffering and we will continue to respond to the needs of our neighbours. But for too long, faith and community groups , individuals, volunteers and social service agencies and ministries have carried a disproportionate load in meeting the needs of individuals at the local community level . . .
We recognize that we all have a role to play to reduce poverty, however, only government can accomplish the structural change to law, programs and policies that are essential for a successful poverty reduction strategy. Only government can re- allocate the resources of society more equitably through its regulatory and taxing powers and increase its funding of social programs.

Please hear our communities call for social justice.”

There you have it: the Diocese of Niagara’s plan to reduce poverty is government enforced wealth redistribution. Hasn’t that been tried before?  Oh yes:

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3 thoughts on “Poverty reduction in the Diocese of Niagara

  1. Once again Bird is more interested in social issues than in the Great Commission. That is not to say that helping those in need is not a worthy cause. But doesn’t charity begin at home? Perhaps if Bird had paid more attention to Jesus and the entire Holy Bible he would have a diocese capable of carrying a heavier load.

  2. AMPisAnglican,
    Not to put too fine a point on it, but my view is that Bird doesn’t accept the Great Commissioning and has instead grafted a weird amalgamation of social activism and neo-paganism onto the Anglican form of worship.

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