Poetic justice: Wikileaks.org down

It has been subject to a denial of service attack, apparently. Those who live by the hack will die by the hack.

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From here:

What goes around comes around: Someone is hacking the hacktivist. And it may be none other than the hacktivist himself.

A self-described patriotic hacktivist known as “The Jester” — who has garnered a reputation for taking down jihadist websites and is believed by those familiar with his work to be responsible for taking WikiLeaks offline during its recent dump of State Department cables — is claiming to be the victim himself of an online impostor trying to cash in on his name.

But that’s hardly all there is to the story.

The Jester — who describes himself online as a “Hacktivist for good. Obstructing the lines of communication for terrorists, sympathizers, fixers, facilitators, oppressive regimes and other general bad guys.” — says he’s “an ex-soldier with a rather famous unit, country purposely not specified.”

Following that ignominious rout, the DNS provider for Wikileaks has terminated the domain name:

The WikiLeaks website has been taken off on Thursday, Dec 2 after its domain host provider EveryDNS.net terminated its account.
The whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks has told in its Twitter account that, “WikiLeaks.org domain killed by US everydns.net after claimed mass attacks.”

h/t to my underpaid research assistant.

One thought on “Poetic justice: Wikileaks.org down

  1. Wikileaks seems to be off line. On a whim I did a WhoIS and it is in the hands of John Shipton c/o Dynadot Privacy. I’m not sure if someone managed to hijack the domain but it is registered with EVERYDNS.NET the previous host of WikiLeaks. Wikileaks.com is registered but not on line. Looks like the variants are being registered to choke off use.

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