2 thoughts on “Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee

  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photographs. I’ve enjoyed all of your uploads immensely and eagerly look forward to each instalment.

    I’ve been tossing the idea around for a long time of going for a trip to the Holy Land – Jerusalem and its precincts mainly. Having just returned, do you have any advice or suggestions for the would-be traveller? Any thing to remember; dangers to avoid; or places that are must-sees?

    • Thanks Jason. My main suggestion is, yes, do go, you will have a wonderful time.

      The Garden Tomb stands out for me because the guide shared the Gospel with his audience. The Holocaust Museum, too, was a powerful reminder of what the Jewish people went through in the last century.

      Just as in any location that caters to tourists, there are beggars and vendors of Chinese made artefacts everywhere but nothing dangerous. The frail should avoid stampeding Muslims exiting from their midday prayers, though.

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