Kairos: Biting the hand that feeds you

Kairos is a coalition of Canadian churches that “works to promote human rights, justice and peace, viable human development, and ecological justice”. Oddly enough, it doesn’t seem too interested in human rights in North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Cuba; it does, however, appear to think that Israel is run by devil himself. Kairos is funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) which is funded by taxpayers. Kairos’s funding has been cut off.

Some speculate that Kairos is being punished for its criticism of the Canadian government and leaders from the Anglican Church of Canada are frothing at the mouth.

The puzzle is, why do churches like the Anglican Church and the United Church expect a secular state to fund their pet projects; why don’t they do it themselves?

3 thoughts on “Kairos: Biting the hand that feeds you

  1. Salute to the government for stopping the subsidization of this organization devoted to left-wing agitation. If you read the statements of KAIROS, this is a group very close ro Communist in philosophy with nothing resembling Christianity about it. An awful lot of its efforts are sepnt on propagandizing Canadians.

    How ’bout using the money to help poor people overseas instead?

  2. a coalition of Canadian churches that “works to promote human rights, justice and peace, viable human development, and ecological justice”.

    What about obeying the Teaching of Jesus Christ and making desciples of all nations, spreading the word of God and all that other very Christian God promoting stuff? Perhaps Hiltz thinks he’s got that covered with his UN Millenium Development Goals. Oops. No mention of God there either.

    I suppose that when a “church” stops being a “Church” it should not be surprised when it starts to loose those things that it has come to embrace. Like the tree that bears bad fruit, it gets cut down and cast into the fire.

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