Iran, rape and Islam

It is difficult to imagine a more disgustingly horrifying practice than the systematic raping of virgins in the name of a religion – Islam – supposedly in order to prevent them going to heaven. The real reason is more likely to be the satisfaction of the evil, perverted concupiscence of demented mullahs.

One would think that such an abomination would be the subject condemnation by Muslims in every free country; sadly, that isn’t the case and this article is a lonely exception:

This truth is beginning to come out in the open. A serving member of the Iranian vigilante Basiji militia reportedly has told Sabina Amidi, a freelance reporter for the Jerusalem Post, about his enforced participation in the rape of young Iranian girls prior to their execution. The Basiji enforcer disclosed that the practice was justified by his superiors under the dubious proposition that, under sharia law, “it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin.”

Let me introduce to you, for instance, Soraya Abolfathi, who was only 20-years old when she was picked up by Iranian Revolutionary Guards for participating in a demonstration against Ayatollah Khomeni on August 19, 1981. She was taken to Tabriz prison where, during her 34-day detention, she was tortured repeatedly to pressure her to give up her friends. She refused. On Sept. 28, 1981, she was executed by a firing squad. However, it is believed the night before her death, she was forcibly wed to a mullah in a “pleasure marriage,” the ensuing act of rape serving to ensure she did not die a virgin.

Virgins, the mullahs believe, are guaranteed a place in paradise, and raping young girls ensures they go to hell.

3 thoughts on “Iran, rape and Islam

  1. So, virgins go to paradise, and they have to be raped to ensure they go to hell. Well, that’s a new one on me. If that’s what rape is for among the radical Islamic fanatics, that just proves that Islamic fundamentalism is a religion of satanic hatred.

    Thank goodness not all Moslems are like that. But the hateful ones are. They have turned Islam into an excuse for sadism and horror. By their fruits you shall know them. But the cruelty and hatred carry within it, the seeds of Islam’s destruction. People in Islamic countries are getting sick and tired of the abuse and suffering promoted in the name of Islam. They are ripe to be converted to something else.

    Hopefully the hateful ones will see some day that they are hurting their faith and pushing people away from it.

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