How to become a greeter in the Diocese of Niagara

The Diocese of Niagara has a rigorous training program for greeters in diocesan parishes. After scouring the civilised world for an archetype upon which to model diocesan greeters, they found this:


For those who feel they have the stamina needed for the necessary education and genetic modifications please apply here.

9 thoughts on “How to become a greeter in the Diocese of Niagara

  1. By Jove, I think Niagara has got it!
    Greeting is a fine mixture balancing image with warmth and information gathering.
    St Hilda’s should immediately be made the epicentre for their greeter training programme. (Since they’ve stopped teaching the Gospel, everything is “training” now isn’t it?)

  2. So according to this, they will do the following:
    “assist a parish in understanding and implementing the Bishop’s vision at the local level.”
    “assist in creating an agreed upon ministry covenant of expectations between the Bishop, the parish and the incoming priest.”

    I’m assuming that “assist” is a euphemism for “forcefully make to submit”.

  3. Hey, little old ladies can be quite terrifying! Try changing the channel at a retirement home when reruns of “The Price is Right” is on, and stick around to see what happens…

    Next time, David, bring Bob Barker with you for extra muscle. You’ll have no trouble!

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