Diocese of Niagara: Who needs a building anyway?

Andy Kalbfleisch from the Diocese of Niagara’s mission strategy committee is pretending that buildings aren’t important:

The status quo is no longer good enough. How many times have we heard or read that phrase? Perhaps so often that it is now a snoozer. If it has become that, then it is indeed time to wake up and move out of our comfort zones and look at things with new eyes and hear them with new ears.

Did you know that in September 2009 the Hamilton Meeting Houses had an average attendance of 843 per Sunday— Ancaster with 565 and East Mountain 278? How many of our ‘real’ churches can boast this level of attendance? Wake up folks it’s not about the building. The status quo is no longer good enough.

I’ve got news for you Andy; have a little chat with your bishop, Michael Bird and see how important buildings are to him. Try and convince him to give the 4 ANiC parishes the buildings they paid for, worship in and use for ministry. Good luck.

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