Numerous dioceses, Toronto and Niagara for example, are already marrying same-sex couples. The diocese of Calgary hasn’t even started to bless same-sex couples, let alone marry them.
Calgary, to its shame, has fallen well behind other more progressive dioceses in their march along the highway to extinction. To correct this deficit, a collection of individuals with the catchy title of “Moving Forward-Embracing Diversity” is urging the diocese to join in the march of the ecclesiastical lemmings post-haste.
From here:
Elizabeth McLennan, spokesperson for Moving Forward-Embracing Diversity, spokesperson for Moving Forward-Embracing Diversity
An informal group in the diocese of Calgary is calling on the bishop to make a decision on whether to allow same-sex blessings in the diocese.
Moving Forward-Embracing Diversity, a lay group formed last January to push for same-sex blessings in the diocese, released a statement last week calling on Archbishop Gregory Kerr-Wilson, bishop of Calgary and metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of Rupert’s Land, to announce his response to a motion passed at the diocesan synod October 14 requesting him to allow clergy to bless the unions of same-sex couples. At the time, Kerr-Wilson said he expected to announce his decision by mid-November. But no decision has yet been announced.
“Votes that pass in synod are expected to be acted upon and implemented,” Elizabeth McLennan, spokesperson for the group and mover of the motion, told the Anglican Journal Friday, December 8. “I think the diocese has really clearly shown the archbishop the direction it wants to take, and honestly, now it’s totally up to Greg to decide whether or not he’s going to listen to his synod.”
Yes, indeed “it’s totally up to” this man whether or not he will remain a Catholic bishop or become a betrayer. So we keep praying and working for the right.
Would you worship in a liberal anglican church, signifying fellowship, or would you avoid, signifying dis-association with those who call themselves believers but do not follow the teaching of the apostles?
There has always been a double question, firstly what is true about sex-ethics, and secondly what does one do about it.
My profile is here:
My two most recent books are here:
“Say not the struggle naught availeth”, as my late great friend and contemporary David F. Wright and I used to say to one another. There is still time to keep our church from the abyss. I hope to lead a Workshop using the latter book this coming Lent.
Thank you kindly for your response.
My concern is that in my neck of the woods there doesn’t seem to be anything by way of struggle — there is no apparent push-back, and, therefore, no repercussions for the ongoing actions of ACoC leadership. We need some prophetic grit displayed by someone.
I’m not sure whether your environment is parochial or diocesan, but I do know that in a local church one or two really prayerful, educated and determined laypeople can turn things around, if the parish is not already conservative, or even if it’s just the usual culturally conservative mix of ignorance and inertia. Pray. Get the clergy and people reading and thinking, lead studies, withhold your money from all but parish purposes, get onto Parish Council, go to Synod, speak and vote everywhere, campaign for better preaching, whatever it costs you. Pray. Pray. I believe humbly that the whole modern history of HT Vancouver would be quite different (actually it would have been closed down in the 1980s) if my gentle learned spouse and I had not been instructed by our Diocesan for particular reasons to go church shopping, so that we finished up there. In other words think yourself capable of “prophetic grit” where you are.
Several turned-around parishes can turn a Diocese around, several turned-around Dioceses can turn a national church around.
The two books that I have commended to you are not expensive; and the newer Creed one will be a little cheaper in the New Year. A copy of each for you and the same for a friend/Rector/Bishop will surely not break the bank. And get hold of O Love How Deep in the newest 2017 edition; or ask me privately for a .pdf.
Are you within striking distance of Holy Trinity Vancouver? Turn up for worship and I will supply you with more or less anything that I have written/edited, any number of copies within reason, at my cheap royalty-free author’s price. It really doesn’t matter to me that I make no money that way.
Yes. We need solid Bible-centred preaching in the church. Most priests cannot preach. God’s Word is the most powerful weapon in our world.
The reason they cannot preach is due to the fact that they no longer worship our Lord and definitely do not accept the authority of Scripture. The only “god” they worship is the “god of political expediency” which is the current “god” of the ACoC and the TEC.
In my by now very long and varied experience, in several denominations, three countries and two provinces of Canada, the reasons why a given presbyter does not preach well are many and varied. Almost always he/she will respond well to patience, kindness, appreciation, gentleness and the willingness to share one’s resources.
Priests need to spend many hours to study and study the Bible before they can attempt to preach the Word faithfully. One hour of study for one minute of preaching time should be the minimum requirement. Of course, they should be guided by the Holy Spirit.
And here I thought that the Bishops were supposed to uphold the Apostolic Succession and be the present day shepherds of Christ’s flock, meaning that it is the Bishop who is supposed to guide and protect the flock from going astray.
But this sin chaser, Elizabeth McLennan, the bishop should get onboard the bus-ride to hell.
I thought that the Bishop can always veto any motions adopted by the Diocesan Synod. He can do this at least twice, but not necessarily the third time. If I remember correctly, in the 1970s, when the question of female priests were discussed, most Bishops were in favour of of it. I think three Bishops – Bishop Goodman, Archbishop Jackson and Bishop Alan Read followed their conscience not to ordain any female priests. They were not alone. Today the Anglican Church in North America has reaffirmed not to ordain female priests in the foreseeable future.
Correction: It was my mistake. The Anglican Church in North America has recently decided not to ordain female bishops. Some ACNA congregations do have female priests.
One can only ask, what else is new?? As long as the church is headed by an apostate with many of his apostate colleagues there is nothing surprising about this movement. Until the Church is again headed by genuine true believing Christians it will continue into its rapid descent into apostasy. The ACoC no longer worships our Lord but rather the “god pf political expediency.