4 thoughts on “Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox, “Is God Great?”

  1. Hitchens has made a straw man of what he thinks Christianity is, and is then knocking it down. He has no real understanding of the Christian faith.

  2. Kate – Hitchens has no “real” understanding of the Christian faith because that would mean knowing the truth of things, and maybe (by accident?) letting on about them – so his straw man arguing (which I’m sure you rightly refer to) would not work. Above all, these people are not going to want the truth/reality to leak out. Exactly why/how they are blind to it (fear?) is for their psychiatrists to discover.

  3. I just occured to me – in this video, Dawkins bears a strong resemblance to how I imagined Professor Slughorn to be when I was reading the Harry Potter books….

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