From Google to Oh Lord in Iran

Iran is in the process of further isolating its inhabitants by replacing the evil Western Internet that assaults delicate Iranian sensibilities with so much nasty free information, with an intranet (a closed network) complete with its own search engine call “Oh Lord”. Have to keep those Mohammed cartoons at bay somehow.

Hadi Malek-Parast, Director General for Research and Development at the Iranian Information Technology Company, told the Iranian Mehr News Agency on Sunday that Iran has started developing a national search enginged dubbed ‘Ya Haq’, a Persian expression meaning “Oh Lord.”

Speaking of the need for faster search capacity and higher security for the country’s online communications, Malek-Parast said Ya Haq would be ready to launch in 2012 and referred to the project as a domestic Intranet, as opposed to an international Internet.

“They are not just developing a search engine, they want to develop an Intranet, instead of an Internet, which would be some kind of local Internet and only give access to state institutions and internally approved sites,” Pujan Ziaie, a senior IT strategist in Iran’s ‘green’ opposition movement told The Media Line. “The discussion began a few years ago and is based on a feeling that the Internet is a Western weapon. They are threatened by it but they cannot ignore it so they are trying to imitate what China has done.”

Iran: another Obama failure

From here:

Bolton: Obama won’t strike Iranian nuclear reactor

Former UN ambassador claims Israel has only 3 days to strike Bushehr plant before fuel rods mean radioactive fallout; “that’s what Israel did in Osirak, Iraq in 1981.”

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said he didn’t see “any signs whatsoever that President Obama would make the necessary decision” to strike Iran’s nuclear reactor, speaking in an interview with Israel Radio Tuesday.

Bolton claimed Israel has only three days to strike before Russia “begins the fueling process for the Bushehr reactor this Friday,” after which any attack would cause radioactive fallout that could reach as far as the waters of the Persian Gulf.

In an interview with Fox Business Network earlier Tuesday Bolton had said the deadline was eight days, but he revised it to three in the Israel Radio interview, saying Iran and Russia had announced they would begin fueling on Friday.

It’s just another Tuesday: Russia rubs its hands with glee as it pokes the US in the eye, Obama takes a dip in the Gulf and Iran nudges the world closer to Armageddon.

Stoning women in Iran

You would think that the left, women’s groups, KAIROS, the United Church, the Anglican Church, primates, archbishops, bishops, clergy and other assorted social justice merchants would have at least something to say about this. If only to temporarily divert attention from away their obsession with homo-eroticism, global warming and compulsory wealth redistribution. But no.